sdias / win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer

An application that enhances the Windows 10 multiple desktops feature by adding additional keyboard shortcuts and support for multiple wallpapers.
MIT License
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Just added a little code, and OMG it's nice... #48

Open moymike opened 7 years ago

moymike commented 7 years ago

I am a big fan of virtual desktops. I was pretty happy when Windows 10 brought out support, but it fell a bit short. Your enhancer filled in some of the features I was hoping to find. I then spent some time working on a Mac, and again I saw how much we still have to gain in use of virtual desktops.

I purchased a Lenovo Yoga 720, and wow... the touch pad gestures for controlling the virtual desktops are awesome. I then tried to find a way to duplicate some of this on my desktop, just find no obvious hardware that could accomplish it. It looks like the only way to take advantage of Windows 10 touch pad gesture support of virtual desktops, is to use a laptop... :(

Then I got the idea to make use of Autohotkey and my mouse...

I found some code after searching thru Autohotkey that made my day.

I added these few lines to the 'virtual-desktop-enhancer.ahk' in the event handlers section:

; ======================================================================
; Event Handlers
; ======================================================================

Send, {LWinDOWN}{Tab}
SetTimer, Send_LWinUP, 500

KeyWait, MButton, L 
SetTimer, Send_LWinUP, off
Send, {LWinUP}

All this does is give me a mouse shortcut to the Win-Tab key. I know that I can simply click the "Task View" icon next to my start button, but now I don't have to wig my mouse cursor all around my dual screens. I'm a programmer, and have had a few of my programmer friends watch me navigate between apps and desktops and ask me how the hell I was doing it... The click on the mouse, followed by hovering and clicking of desktops just feels right.

This change is small, and is a duplication of what I can do with my keyboard, but I am finding it makes controlling multiple virtual desktops a breeze. The enhancer meanwhile flips my wallpapers around, and all the keyboard shortcuts remain in place.

mzomparelli commented 7 years ago

@moymike I'm just putting this out here because I've used this and while nice, is too difficult for a lot of users. That's when I made this. Based on what you've typed, I think you'll really like zVirtualDesktop. I have a view that is like Task View, but I think it's better. You be the judge.

sdias commented 7 years ago

@moymike That's awesome. AutoHotkey is really powerful, I'm barely scratching the surface with my project. Thanks for your input.