sdinteractive / Magento2_SomethingDigital_UpgradeHelper

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Upgrade Helper does not support layout xml files #29

Closed swsavale closed 4 years ago

swsavale commented 4 years ago

Currently, Upgrade Helper runs through php, js, phtml, less extension files. It would be great if it can run through the layout xml files as well

mpchadwick commented 4 years ago

As layout XML isn't override based, but rather merge based, do you have thoughts on how we would do this?

swsavale commented 4 years ago

That's a good question. But nothing I know about this at the moment except matching file names?

Leland commented 4 years ago

We try not to override XML files at all - I don't know of any existing on our current portfolio. Closing - this is an issue admittedly but a minor one.