sdispater / pendulum

Python datetimes made easy
MIT License
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backports-zoneinfo does not compile on 3.10, and hard to package (pyinstaller, zipapp,...) #796

Closed gsemet closed 5 months ago

gsemet commented 5 months ago

Can you remove the dependency on backports-zoneinfo, or make it optional ? It is hard to package into a shiv executable (zipapp) that will run on python 3.9 and 3.10, because this (ugly) package does not compile on 3.10 (instead of just doing nothing silently.


Secrus commented 5 months ago

backports-zoneinfo is only used on Python 3.8. If it's being picked up on 3.9+, it's an issue with your packaging software, not with Pendulum.

gsemet commented 5 months ago

Have tried to use pendulum in a shiv (zipapp)? It basically create a single package for several version of python (usually) so there is no way to provide the marker pip can use.

Secrus commented 5 months ago

I suggest you take it to shiv authors. PEP 508 markers are a proper way to use conditional dependencies and should be respected by installers of any kind