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Issue using R functions in Excel #205

Open lcgith opened 2 years ago

lcgith commented 2 years ago


I've downloaded BERT2 to a local drive. The BERT console opens fine, the functions directory is set to the correct place but in Excel when trying R functions i.e. =R.SA, the function doesn't present itself and if I try to use it I get #NAME? error. Has anyone else experienced any other bugs & solutions?


StatsMan1953 commented 2 years ago

You should specify how you have defined R.SA to BERT. R functions are not automatically defined to BERT. See %USERPROFILE%\Documents\BERT2\functions\functions.r

If you have have tried to define the function to BERT, check the BERT Console (under AddIns tab) for error messages. You can have multiple .r files in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\BERT2\functions\ to avoid clobbering working functions with newly added buggy code in the same file.

SvetaLuz commented 6 months ago

Hello there,

I installed BERT and editted the functions.r file under BERT2/documents but the formula (cholesky-example) doesn't appear in Excel. Indeed, there is no new section with R.-Formulas from R in Excel.... Any suggestions to this problem? Many thanks!

Dissymmetry commented 2 months ago

Probably too late for OP, but for others coming with the same issue. The troubleshooting page on the bert website describes a known issue when the functions folder is located on a network drive. This will also be the case if your computer is using OneDrive for the location of %UserProfile%. Create a new folder at 'C:\BERT2' and copy the contents of BERT2 into it, then edit the Preferences file and point it this folder.