sdmx-twg / sdmx-rest

This repository is used for maintaining the SDMX RESTful web services specification.
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023-Group all structural metadata queries under a structure resource #85

Closed sosna closed 2 years ago

sosna commented 5 years ago

It is proposed to group all structural metadata queries under a structure resource to ease the understanding of the API. After this has been done, the API would offer only 4 main resources:

The new structure query would be as follow: resource/type/agency/id/version (and of course resource/type/agency/id/version/item, for item scheme queries), where:

So, for example, to get the latest version of the SDMX CL_FREQ codelist, one would do: https://entry-point/structure/codelist/SDMX/CL_FREQ/latest (latest could be omitted as it is the default value if not supplied)

To get the latest version of all structures maintained by SDMX, use the following: https://entry-point/structure/all/SDMX/all/latest or simply https://entry-point/structure/all/SDMX, as all and latest are the default values for the id and version path parameters respectively.

egreising commented 5 years ago

Why not changing the "id triplet" "agency/id/version" to match the way of specifying it in the data and metadata queries as "/agency,id,version/", i.e. separated by commas in a single segment between two slashes? Or maybe it is preferable to change the data and metadata queries to have the "flowRef" components specified as three segments, separated by slashes instead of commas. Bottom line, we should unify the way of identifying the resource in the two query "flavours".