sdp8483 / ESP32-Arduino-CAN

An Arduino CAN-Bus library for ESP32
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

ESP32-S3 #3

Open MatheusCaltran opened 5 months ago

MatheusCaltran commented 5 months ago

Would it be possible to add support for esp32-s3?

sdp8483 commented 5 months ago

Looking at the ESP-IDF for the ESP32-S3 it should work without any modifications.

Have you tried this library? If so, did you get any errors that prevented it from working?

MatheusCaltran commented 4 months ago

I was using miwagner/ESP32-Arduino-CAN and it didn't compile, I used this one (sdp8483/ESP32-Arduino-CAN) and it worked.

I will carry out some tests and I believe I will change the library to this one, the only thing I was unsure about is rx_queue_size, is there any way to configure it and is there any news about CAN Message Filter?

But thanks for making an updated version of this library.