sdp8483 / ESP32-Arduino-CAN

An Arduino CAN-Bus library for ESP32
MIT License
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Constant loading of the monitor with the message TWAI RX: ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT #5

Open TouchOnBob opened 2 months ago

TouchOnBob commented 2 months ago

Greetings! Many thanks for this wonderful work!

I'm using ESP32 Wrover and sn65hvd230dr and i have this problem: I'm trying to use the esp32can_receive.ino example and it works as expected. But at the same time, when there is no data exchange on the bus, the message TWAI RX: ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT constantly appears in the serial monitor. At the same time, the example itself seems to work fine.

I tried compiling the code using Arduino Release v2.0.15 based on ESP-IDF v4.4.7, as well as Arduino Release v3.0.0 RC1 based on ESP-IDF v5.1, but the problem remains. Perhaps this is not a problem, but due to the constant loading of the monitor, I do not have time to see the diagnostic messages that I myself send to the serial monitor...

Please help me correct the situation...

TouchOnBob commented 2 months ago

In search of at least some solution, I commented out line 147 in the ESP32CAN.cpp file After this, life became easier. I understand this is not a solution. Therefore, I expect a correct and correct solution from the creator of the library...