sdr-enthusiasts / docker-install

Script to help install Docker on Raspberry Pi and similar Debian-based OSes
MIT License
43 stars 16 forks source link

Stuck at "Scanning linux images" #20

Closed marcelstoer closed 1 year ago

marcelstoer commented 1 year ago

The script appears to be stuck at

Your account, "pi", is already part of the "sudo" group. Great!
We will now continue and install Docker.
Checking for an existing Docker installation... found! Skipping Docker installation
Checking for Docker Compose installation... found! No need to install...
Your system now uses libseccomp2 version 2.5.1-1+rpi1+deb11u1.

Do you want to prepare the system for use with any of the RTL-SDR / ADS-B containers?
Examples of these include the collection of containers maintained by @MikeNye,
Tar1090, Readsb-ProtoBuf, Acarshub, PlaneFence, PiAware, RadarVirtuel, FR24, other feeders, etc.
It's safe to say YES to this question and continue, unless you are using a DVB-T stick to watch digital television.

Please choose yes or no [Y/n] > 

Getting the latest RTL-SDR packages... Scanning processes... [                                                                                                        Scanning processes...                                                                                                                                                 
Scanning processor microcode...                                                                                                                                       
Scanning linux images...                                                                                                                                              

In a different shell

$ ps aux|grep rtl-sdr
root      2972  0.0  0.4  13020  4104 pts/0    S+   08:55   0:00 sudo apt-get install -qq -y git rtl-sdr
root      2973  0.3  5.2  57820 49572 pts/0    S+   08:55   0:09 apt-get install -qq -y git rtl-sdr
root      3615  0.0  1.1  57820 10980 pts/0    S+   08:56   0:00 apt-get install -qq -y git rtl-sdr
pi        3785  0.0  0.0   7452   552 pts/1    S+   09:38   0:00 grep --color=auto rtl-sdr

09:38 - 08:56 = 42min, shouldn't take that long, should it?

marcelstoer commented 1 year ago

I had to reboot and restart the script to "fix" this.

kx1t commented 1 year ago

Looks like something caused by your OS -- it was hanging at an `apt installa command. Maybe a temporary bad internet connections?