sdr-enthusiasts / docker-readsb-protobuf

Multi-architecture readsb-protobuf container with support for RTLSDR, bladeRF and plutoSDR (x86_64, arm32v7, arm64v8)
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Feature Request: Disable CPU Temp monitoring #191

Open buliwyf42 opened 1 year ago

buliwyf42 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i tried readsb today in a docker VM inside Proxmox. This allows me for easy backup and has several other advantages. USB passthrough works. But readsb cannot read the CPU Temp. Therefore, i get an error in the log file as well as a missing graph.

Would it be possible to disable the cpu readout?


kx1t commented 1 year ago

You can solve this by following the instructions here:

At this time, we're not considering removing the CPU temp graphs or making their inclusion optional.

Let me know if the instructions above work. Thanks!

CerebralXor commented 1 year ago

I was having this same issue with docker inside a proxmox VM. Solved it by disabling core temp from the collectd configuration file by running an s6 init script.

Create the script below and mount it in the docker container at /etc/cont-init.d/06-disable-temp-probe

Theres no doubt ways to optimise these sed lines, but it does what I need… it cleans up the log errors and removes the temp graph from the performance graphs page.

#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# shellcheck shell=bash

# Remove temp from collectd config
sed -i '/<Table "\/sys\/class\/thermal\/thermal_zone[0-9]\/temp">/,/<\/Table>/d' /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/readsb.collectd.conf

# Remove img of temp graph from web page
sed -i '/id="system-temperature-image"/,/alt="Core Temperature"/d' /usr/share/readsb/html/graphs/index.html

# Remove left over empty <img /> tag from the above line
sed -i 's/<img[^\/][^<>]*> *<\/[^<>]*>//g' /usr/share/readsb/html/graphs/index.html

# Remove empty <div></div> tag left over from removing the image on the web page
sed -i 's/<div[^\/][^<>]*> *<\/[^<>]*>//g' /usr/share/readsb/html/graphs/index.html

# Hide the radio buttons for selecting between fahrenheit or celsius
sed -i 's/onclick="switchTemperatureUnit.*"/hidden="true"/g' /usr/share/readsb/html/graphs/index.html

# Hide the celsius and fahrenheit labels for the now hidden radio boxes
sed -r -i 's/for="(celsius|fahrenheit)-radio"/hidden="true"/g' /usr/share/readsb/html/graphs/index.html