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SDSC: YAML/PKG - expanse/0.17.3/cpu/b - Create module for py-jupyter-core@4.7.1 #80

Closed mkandes closed 1 year ago

mkandes commented 1 year ago

py-jupyter-core@4.7.1 was installed implicitly as part of py-jupyterlab@3.2.1. However, the well-known jupyter command is located in the PATH of py-jupyter-core@4.7.1. As such, making this package available via the lmod module environment is essential for use of py-jupyterlab@3.2.1 in the production software environment. e.g., if someone would like to use galyleo in conjunction with the expanse/0.17.3/cpu/b python environment and/or any other applications.

mkandes commented 1 year ago

Prior to deployment of new modules.yaml file ...

[mkandes_test@login02]~% module load gcc/10.2.0/
[mkandes_test@login02]~% module load py-jupyterlab/3.2.1
[mkandes_test@login02]~% module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) shared                      6) gcc/10.2.0/npcyll4
  2) cpu/0.17.3b           (c)   7) python/3.8.12/7zdjza7
  3) slurm/expanse/21.08.8       8) py-setuptools/58.2.0/eefp7mw
  4) sdsc/1.0                    9) py-jupyterlab/3.2.1/fbrlmmt
  5) DefaultModules

   c:  built natively for AMD Rome

mkandes commented 1 year ago

Refreshing module env ...

[spack_cpu@exp-15-56 spack]$ time -p spack module lmod refresh -y
==> Regenerating lmod module files
==> OpenFOAM bashrc env: /cm/shared/apps/spack/0.17.3/cpu/b/opt/spack/linux-rocky8-zen2/aocc-3.2.0/openfoam-2106-jz42us227mirxrhqjvojlaut2giuh74j/etc/bashrc
real 51.80
user 43.17
sys 1.87
[spack_cpu@exp-15-56 spack]$
mkandes commented 1 year ago

After deployment of new modules.yaml file and the module refresh ...

[mkandes_test@login02]~% module load gcc/10.2.0 
[mkandes_test@login02]~% module load py-jupyterlab/3.2.1
[mkandes_test@login02]~% module list 

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) shared                      6) gcc/10.2.0/npcyll4
  2) cpu/0.17.3b           (c)   7) python/3.8.12/7zdjza7
  3) slurm/expanse/21.08.8       8) py-setuptools/58.2.0/eefp7mw
  4) sdsc/1.0                    9) py-jupyter-core/4.7.1/kvvn7xl
  5) DefaultModules             10) py-jupyterlab/3.2.1/fbrlmmt

   c:  built natively for AMD Rome
