sdsykes / slim_scrooge

SlimScrooge heavily optimises your database interactions
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RVM and Scrooge changes root path #19

Closed ScotterC closed 12 years ago

ScotterC commented 12 years ago

After installing scrooge (very cool by the way, thanks). It seems to have changed the root of my rails project to the gem folder in rvm. Staring up rails console and firing




This is kind of a big problem because all relative paths, requires etc. get messed up.

egze commented 12 years ago

I have the same problem as well.

fast_gettext for example can't find the locale folder.

/Users/aleksandr_lossenko/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/fast_gettext-0.6.2/lib/fast_gettext/translation_repository/base.rb:36:in `find_files_in_locale_folders': path locale could not be found! (RuntimeError)