sdsykes / slim_scrooge

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Don't know how to build task 'test_with_active_record' error on Rake #23

Open abills opened 12 years ago

abills commented 12 years ago

This could be me not knowing the pre-requirements correctly however when I try and rake test_with_active_record I get a "Dont know how to build task 'test_with_active_record' error. I have created the 2 databases inside the mysql im using to hold the application databases through the mysql workbench (not through ruby as I didn't know how).

I'm sure it completely works and Im just not getting it. Is there more detail to the documentation on how to use this properly for those less fortunate in skill?

sdsykes commented 12 years ago

To be honest I haven't run the rails tests for a long time. At least you would have to check out the rails source of the version you are using and change the hard wired path in test/helper.rb in find_active_record_test_suite

What version of rails are you using?

abills commented 12 years ago

Rails 3.2.3 with ruby 1.9.3p125 on windows (for the moment on my local copy as not to butcher the copy I put up on an internal server here)...

Would you recommend I do the other thing? Actually I dont even have a test/helper.rb as part of my project... is that in the rails install? Wow I sound like I know nothing here, sorry.