sdtaylor / complex_figure_examples

Gallery and R code for published scientific figures
22 stars 5 forks source link

include watermark on bottom #4

Open sdtaylor opened 4 years ago

sdtaylor commented 4 years ago

Link to this repo

"This figure is a replication for educational purposes" "The data may not match the original "see"

maybe a giant watermark of: "Example figure. Not made with real data. For educational purposes only." "see"

sdtaylor commented 4 years ago

watermark code

water_mark = 'Example figure for educational purposes only. Not made with real data.\n See'

final_figure = ggdraw(final_figure) +
  geom_rect(data=data.frame(xmin=0.05,ymin=0.05), aes(xmin=xmin,ymin=ymin, xmax=xmin+0.4,ymax=ymin+0.1),alpha=0.9, fill='grey90', color='black') + 
  draw_text(water_mark, x=0.05, y=0.1, size=10, hjust = 0)