sdtaylor / phenology_forecasts

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hindcasting notes #28

Open sdtaylor opened 6 years ago

sdtaylor commented 6 years ago

dates to hindcast from = jan 1 - June 30, every 4 days 45 hindcasts / year ~ 100 mb per species/phenophase (compressed) = 4.5GB ~138~ 27 spp = 121 GB ~ 30 min per species/phenophase = 14 hours 45 hindcast dates = 630 total hours (~ 2 days w/ 16 cores. but will likely need 25-30GB ram each) (note the 30 min time was with ThermalTime model, a Uniforc model took 2 hours)

for each hindcast_date
  obtain current_weather_observation nc file (or just use the one already built)
  cutoff the current_weather_observation file to hincast_date - 1 day
  get latest forecasts for hindcast_date
  make folder of "current forecasts"
  pass that folder to apply_phenology_forecasts, but this must use the bootstrap versions of all models
sdtaylor commented 6 years ago

some things to implement