sdtaylor / phenology_forecasts

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required packages #3

Open sdtaylor opened 6 years ago

sdtaylor commented 6 years ago

NOAA CFSv2 forecasts are in GRIB2 format. grib files in xarray requires pynio. pynio was only recently ported to python3 and requires a dev version. Here's how I got it to work.

From a fresh anaconda3 install

conda install -c ncar -c conda-forge pynio=dev python=3

Then download the latest xarray master and install with python install

In a few months this will hopefully just be

conda install xarray pynio
sdtaylor commented 6 years ago

Getting this working on the hipergator. All the hassle it to get pynio working within xarray to open grib2 files

echo "poppler ==0.52.0" >> miniconda3/conda-meta/pinned
echo "xerces-c ==3.1.4" >> miniconda3/conda-meta/pinned
conda install -c ncar -c conda-forge pynio=dev python=3
conda install xarray rasterio shapely fiona pyyaml scipy mpi4py openmpi netcdf4 dask

download and install xmap manually. I have a custom version of this which just reduces a lot of the uneeded output

sdtaylor commented 5 years ago

As of Sep 2018 this was required

Install a fresh miniconda session

conda create -n test -c conda-forge pynio
source activate test
conda install -c conda-forge rasterio xarray shapely fiona pyyaml scipy dask netcdf4 joblib
pip install git+git://

download and install xmap manually. I have a custom version of this which just reduces a lot of the uneeded output

if there are weird numpy errors then force upgrade it

conda install -c conda-forge numpy -f