Open aslakjohansen opened 6 years ago
Xovis cameras follow the same structure in all its data formats. The xovis driver follows the general structure to extract the information. [content -> elements -> element -> measurement] The solution for recognizing the different datatypes has been conducted with categorization; "Zone Dwell Time", "Line Count Data" and "Zone occupancy" now pushes data to a specific path, which setting is passed on with the json dumps.
{ "HandlerData": "Line Count Data", "ZoneModel:X:X:Name1": { "camera_metadata": { "data-type": "LINE", "element-id": 1, "element-name": "ZoneModel:X:X:Name1", "resolution": "ONE_MINUTE", "sensor-type": "SINGLE_SENSOR" }, "readings": [ [ 2435177830.0, 3 ] ] }
The xovis cameras offers to push the following metrics:
At the moment only 1. "Line count data" is supported, but there seems to be more to extract.
This should be implemented through a plugin system similar to that which is used for storage engines.