sdushantha / fontpreview

Highly customizable and minimal font previewer written in bash
MIT License
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Show font path #18

Open fakefred opened 4 years ago

fakefred commented 4 years ago

I sometimes make projects that need fonts bundled. This requires me to find out where I installed my fonts to. The system font viewer isn't really helpful at this. So, I would really appreciate if the path of fonts was displayed after the fontnames given a flag such as --show-path.

sdushantha commented 4 years ago

I think this is something we could add by having a keybinding. I know @aeghn added some keybindings in #13, so I guess we could have a binding to grab the font path.

aeghn commented 4 years ago

What about this? p-200210_013237

Use Ctrl-w to toggle fzf preview which include font's basic infomation.

sdushantha commented 4 years ago

Yes!!! That is a great idea! Could you change the binding to Ctrl-i, which stands for info?

aeghn commented 4 years ago

Yeah, we can change all the bindings.

And I'll add a help menu tomorrow.