sdushantha / fontpreview

Highly customizable and minimal font previewer written in bash
MIT License
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Make fontpreview more portable & fix some bugs #28

Closed 0mp closed 4 years ago

0mp commented 4 years ago

I am porting fontpreview to FreeBSD now and I've stumbled upon some issues (bugs & compatilibity issues).

Cheers! After those patches fontpreview is running very nicely on FreeBSD (the only drawback is that getopt is using some not so portable options so I have to patch fontpreview to use a non-FreeBSD getopt instead. I think that unless you want to change the way the command-line arguments are parsed, I am going to patch the fontpreview port on FreeBSD to use a different getopt (one coming from packages and not the one from the base system).

sdushantha commented 4 years ago

I will take a look at this after #13 has been completed

0mp commented 4 years ago

@sdushantha Cool, thanks!

sdushantha commented 4 years ago

@0mp Hey, it looks like there is no activity in #13, so I guess I'll shift my focus to this PR 👍

sdushantha commented 4 years ago

Okay, everything looks good now and is ready to be merged 👍