sdushantha / fontpreview

Highly customizable and minimal font previewer written in bash
MIT License
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Suggestion: use mktemp for creating files under /tmp #4

Closed BirMa closed 4 years ago

BirMa commented 4 years ago

Hello there! This is actually the font previewer i've always been lloking for. But! If I start multiple instances of this or there's another application creating a file like /tmp/font.png we are screwed because the created tmp files are hard-coded. This pull request would fix that. If you have questions just ask me.

sdushantha commented 4 years ago

That is so smart! I should have thought about that. Ill merge it right away!

sdushantha commented 4 years ago

Quick question... Wont this leave like a bunch of files in /tmp?

BirMa commented 4 years ago

Actually you are right. I didn't think of this because my /tmp is in RAM and therefore gets wiped on every reboot. I'll make another pull request for that.