sdushantha / kunst

Download and display album art or display embedded album art
MIT License
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Support for mopidy #61

Closed ahloiscreamo closed 2 years ago

ahloiscreamo commented 2 years ago


I recently switched to mopidy from mpd to use Spotify, but it feels lonely without Kunst to complement the player, i use bum but it is slow in changing the covert art compared to kunst.

do you have any plan to support mopidy in the future? Thanks.

sdushantha commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the feature request. I'd like to add support for mopidy but with the lack of time currently have, I unfortunately can't work on this. If you'd like to create a PR, feel free to do so :)

ahloiscreamo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the fast reply, i see, that's very understandable, i'm just a casual linux user, i know ricing here and there but that's about it haha. i will close this issue.