If you try to generate a Quality or Diagnostic report in sdmetrics by passing in an SDV metadata object, you get a somewhat unhelpful error message.
from sdmetrics.reports.multi_table import QualityReport
report = QualityReport()
report.generate(real_data, synthetic_data, etadata)
Expected behavior
After a quick chat with @npatki -- we discussed that the best solution might be to return a more useful error like:
TypeError: Expected a dictionary but received a {type} instead.
For SDV metadata objects, please use the 'to_dict' function to convert it to a dictionary.
Problem Description
If you try to generate a Quality or Diagnostic report in sdmetrics by passing in an SDV metadata object, you get a somewhat unhelpful error message.
Expected behavior
After a quick chat with @npatki -- we discussed that the best solution might be to return a more useful error like: