sdzx-1 / typed-communication-protocol

typed communication protocol
MIT License
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How to desigen Driver & Codec ? #1

Closed sdzx-1 closed 2 months ago

sdzx-1 commented 2 months ago

@coot @dcoutts @mrBliss @edsko

I'm trying to improve typed-protocols. typed-protocols only allows communication between client-server, but typed-communication-protocol allows communication between any number of roles.

typed-communication-protocol uses Mcbride Indexed Monad.

This library requires the latest ghc 9.10.1!

Here is a examples:TheBug-ProneBookseller The example comes from HasChor: Functional Choreographic Programming for All

Detailed description:

屏幕截图 2024-04-22 230819
 role: Buyer Seller

 Buyer                            Seller
       title  ->
       <-  price
            CheckTrue    Afford ->
                         data <-

            CheckFalse   NotBuy ->

------------------- Add State ---------------------------
 Buyer                                                      Seller
  :S0                                                        :S0
       Title  ->
  :S1                                                        :S1
       <-  Price

                                                            :S2 s

                     [S2 True]   Afford ->
     :S3                                             :S3
                      Data <-
     :End                                            :End

                     [S2 False]   NotBuy ->
     :End                                            :End
 - -}


data Role = Buyer | Seller

data BookSt
  = S0
  | S1
  | S12
  | S2 Bool
  | S3
  | End

type Date = Int

instance Protocol Role BookSt where
  type Done Buyer = End
  type Done Seller = End
  data Msg Role BookSt send recv from to where
    Title :: String -> Msg Role BookSt Buyer Seller S0 '(S1, S1)
    Price :: Int -> Msg Role BookSt Seller Buyer S1 '(S2 s, S12)
    Afford :: Msg Role BookSt Buyer Seller (S2 True) '(S3, S3)
    Date :: Date -> Msg Role BookSt Seller Buyer S3 '(End, End)
    NotBuy :: Msg Role BookSt Buyer Seller (S2 False) '(End, End)

data CheckPriceResult :: BookSt -> Type where
  CheckTrue :: CheckPriceResult (S2 True)
  CheckFalse :: CheckPriceResult (S2 False)

checkPrice :: Int -> Peer Role BookSt Buyer IO CheckPriceResult S12
checkPrice i =
  if i < 100
    then LiftM $ pure (ireturn CheckTrue)
    else LiftM $ pure (ireturn CheckFalse)

  :: Peer Role BookSt Buyer IO (At (Maybe Date) (Done Buyer)) S0
buyerPeer =
  yield (Title "haskell book")
  Recv (Price i) <- await
  res <- checkPrice i
  case res of
    CheckTrue ->
      yield Afford
      Recv (Date d) <- await
      returnAt (Just d)
    CheckFalse ->
      yield NotBuy
      returnAt Nothing

sellerPeer :: Peer Role BookSt Seller IO (At () (Done Seller)) S0
sellerPeer =
  Recv (Title _name) <- await
  yield (Price 30)
  Recv msg <- await
  case msg of
    Afford -> yield (Date 100)
    NotBuy -> returnAt ()

two-buyer bookseller protocol

屏幕截图 2024-04-22 231527

 Buyer                                                   Seller                               Buyer2
  :S0                                                        :S0
       Title  ->
  :S1                                                        :S1
       <-  Price
  :S11                                                                                           :S11
                                                                         -> PriceToB2
  :S110                                                                                          :S110
                                                                         <- HalePrice
  :S12                                                                                           :End

                                                            :S2 s

                    [S2 True]   Afford ->
     :S3                                                  :S3
                      Data <-
     :End                                                 :End

                    [S2 False]   NotBuy ->
     :End                                                 :End

 - -}


data Role = Buyer | Seller | Buyer2

data BookSt
  = S0
  | S1
  | S11
  | S110
  | S12
  | S2 Bool
  | S3
  | End

type Date = Int

instance Protocol Role BookSt where
  type Done Buyer = End
  type Done Seller = End
  type Done Buyer2 = End
  data Msg Role BookSt send recv from to where
    Title :: String -> Msg Role BookSt Buyer Seller S0 '(S1, S1)
    Price :: Int -> Msg Role BookSt Seller Buyer S1 '(S2 s, S11)
    PriceToB2 :: Int -> Msg Role BookSt Buyer Buyer2 S11 '(S110, S110)
    HalfPrice :: Int -> Msg Role BookSt Buyer2 Buyer S110 '(End, S12)
    Afford :: Msg Role BookSt Buyer Seller (S2 True) '(S3, S3)
    Date :: Date -> Msg Role BookSt Seller Buyer S3 '(End, End)
    NotBuy :: Msg Role BookSt Buyer Seller (S2 False) '(End, End)

data CheckPriceResult :: BookSt -> Type where
  CheckTrue :: CheckPriceResult (S2 True)
  CheckFalse :: CheckPriceResult (S2 False)

budget :: Int
budget = 100

checkPrice :: Int -> Int -> Peer Role BookSt Buyer IO CheckPriceResult S12
checkPrice i hv =
  if i < budget + hv
    then LiftM $ pure (ireturn CheckTrue)
    else LiftM $ pure (ireturn CheckFalse)

  :: Peer Role BookSt Buyer IO (At (Maybe Date) (Done Buyer)) S0
buyerPeer =
  yield (Title "haskell book")
  Recv (Price i) <- await
  yield (PriceToB2 i)
  Recv (HalfPrice hv) <- await
  res <- checkPrice i hv
  case res of
    CheckTrue ->
      yield Afford
      Recv (Date d) <- await
      returnAt (Just d)
    CheckFalse ->
      yield NotBuy
      returnAt Nothing

  :: Peer Role BookSt Buyer2 IO (At () (Done Buyer2)) S11
buyerPeer2 =
  Recv (PriceToB2 i) <- await
  yield (HalfPrice (i `div` 2))

sellerPeer :: Peer Role BookSt Seller IO (At () (Done Seller)) S0
sellerPeer =
  Recv (Title _name) <- await
  yield (Price 30)
  Recv msg <- await
  case msg of
    Afford -> yield (Date 100)
    NotBuy -> returnAt ()

Now my question is how to design Driver & Codec? This seems complicated and I have no idea. Do you have any suggestions?

sdzx-1 commented 2 months ago

Maybe I've solved this problem!