se-panfilov / vue-notifications

Vue.js agnostic library for non-blocking notifications
MIT License
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How to call notifications from vuex actions? #159

Open rajashekarappala opened 5 years ago

crediblebytes commented 5 years ago

Was wondering the exact same thing.

FrederikVanhollebeke commented 5 years ago

Any update on this topic?

se-panfilov commented 5 years ago

Hi folk,

That's honestly a good question.

The initial idea was just to organize notifications in a better way inside components. So I didn't implement any strategy to call notifications outside the component.

The only implementation of this strategy I can imagine - is to have a sort of a global pool for notifications. And call notifications from actions in a way like this.vueNotifications.globalPool.componentName.notification(). But that's not much better that do it via refs: this.$refs.component.notification(): in both case you might be in a trouble in case of lazy load, for instance.

So I'd say we have 3 options right now:

  1. I don't really remember, but I guess dispatch returns a promise (at least it can), so you could do something like this:

Vue.component('app', {
  methods: {
    foo() {
      this.$store.getters.getTodos.then(() ={
        //show notification here

2. You can call notifications directly, without "vue-notifications"
3. You can suggest an approach and I can add it ;)
Berkmann18 commented 4 years ago

Was there any success in using this package with Vuex?

heliomsolivas commented 4 years ago

Any updates about this question?

lilcryptopump commented 4 years ago

Maybe my solution is not the best or correct one, but it works and I'm okay with that :rofl:

Here is my code from main.js

// Notifications
import VueNotifications from 'vue-notifications'
import Noty from 'noty'//
import './../node_modules/noty/lib/noty.css'
import './../node_modules/noty/lib/themes/mint.css'
import {Howl} from 'howler';


function toast({message, type, timeout}) {
    let layout = 'bottomRight';
    let callbacks = {
        onShow: function () {
            if (store.state.sound) {
                new Howl({src: [require('./assets/audio/up-down-tap.mp3')]}).play()
    if (type === VueNotifications.types.warn) type = 'warning'
    return new Noty({text: message, timeout, type, layout, callbacks}).show()

const notification_options = {
    success: toast,
    error: toast,
    info: toast,
    warn: toast,
Vue.use(VueNotifications, notification_options)

I'm using Noty and also I add sound with Howler. Then I pass toast in my app function

const app = new Vue({
    render: h => h(App),

Then a pass app to store. (Based on this

store.$app = app;

And now I can call toast from my Vuex actions like this:

 this.$app.$options.toast({message:"Hello", type: "error", timeout: 3000})
lazytosay commented 3 years ago

@lilcryptopump this helps!!!! Thank you so much!