se701g2 / Doto

Todo application for Group 2
MIT License
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Task gets created without task ID #250

Closed salma-s closed 4 years ago

salma-s commented 4 years ago

Bug Summary:

When a new task gets added, it initially has no taskId associated until refresh.

Steps To Reproduce

1) Add a new task

Expected behaviour

When you add a new task, it should have a taskId associated with it.

Observed Behaviour

When you add a new task, the taskId is undefined until a refresh happens, which loads a taskId from the database.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.



This bug was found by @salma-s @EricPedrido and @harmanlamba

HarrisonLeach1 commented 4 years ago

This is potentially a root cause of #240 and #252