se701g2 / Doto

Todo application for Group 2
MIT License
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Travel duration does not get added to the reservation time #257

Closed preetpatel closed 4 years ago

preetpatel commented 4 years ago

Bug Summary:

The total duration of the appointment ends up being (travel time) minutes less than the actual duration time. Eg. If deadline time was 18:00, duration was 1 hour and travel time was 10 mins, the entire appointment duration would end up being 50 minutes long only. Which makes no sense when an appointment time for your calendar should always cater for the travel time and hence should make the duration 70 mins long.

Steps To Reproduce

1) Create a new event 2) Check the times

Expected behaviour

As above

Observed Behaviour

As above


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Additional Information:

Stack Traces

Test Cases

Code Examples

Error Reports
