seL4 / microkit

Microkit - A simple operating system framework for the seL4 microkernel
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Add dependencies to #102

Closed wom-bat closed 4 months ago

wom-bat commented 4 months ago

Make the list of dependencies for building the microkit tool more complete.

This list was created by making a minimal Debian stable chroot environment, and adding packages until the build worked

It addresses Issue #6

Ivan-Velickovic commented 4 months ago

In general, I was hesitant to add this myself as with this approach we are recommending people use their system's package manager and so we are at the mercy of whatever they do like in

@bennoleslie originally wrote "Note: It is a high priority of the authors to ensure builds are self-contained and repeatable. A high value is placed on using specifically versioned tools. At this point in time this is not fully realised, however it is a high priority to enable this in the near future."

I don't know exactly how he meant to realise this though...

wom-bat commented 4 months ago

One other note: python3.9 is no longer in the repos. I'm using 3.11 without issues...

wom-bat commented 4 months ago

Also, musl 1.2.3 is the one currently available (and 1.2.4 in Debian sid). The changes from 1.2.2 are very minor, and will not be visible in our usecases

wom-bat commented 4 months ago

I think wrt the reproducibility, the only issue is libmuslc I think nothing else that's variable will end up visible in the Monitor or Loader.

Ivan-Velickovic commented 4 months ago

Argh, was trying to push to the branch and made a mistake... Apologies