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Microkit - A simple operating system framework for the seL4 microkernel
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sel4cp mapping to CAMKES primitives #14

Closed podhrmic closed 9 months ago

podhrmic commented 1 year ago

Hi, if I have an application built on CAMKES, how would I convert such an application to a core-platform based one? Specifically, is there an example of how to represent dataports, connections etc in the core-platform?

gernotheiser commented 1 year ago

We don't presently have a transition guide, it's on the to-do list...

gernotheiser commented 1 year ago

Update: We've got one of our CP-inexperienced (but CAmkES-experienced) engineers to play guinea pig for porting stuff to seL4CP and drafting a guide. Expect something soon.

podhrmic commented 1 year ago

@gernotheiser any updates here?

gernotheiser commented 1 year ago

We're about to finish a VM example (next week) so should have good sample code then. Writing a guide after that should be straightforward.

podhrmic commented 1 year ago

@gernotheiser any news about the VM example?

gernotheiser commented 1 year ago

Sorry about the time this is taking. We've got the examples and are in the process of cleaning stuff up and moving from private branches to proper places. Should be done by the end of the week

Ivan-Velickovic commented 1 year ago

The guide is finally done (apologies for the delay), the link to the repository is here:

There is a PDF available here as well

Ivan-Velickovic commented 9 months ago

@podhrmic can this be closed or do you have more questions/concerns?