seL4 / seL4_libs

No-assurance libraries for rapid-prototyping of seL4 apps.
52 stars 62 forks source link

debug: add helper functions to limit usage of magic numbers #19

Closed axel-h closed 3 years ago

axel-h commented 4 years ago

Signed-off-by: Axel Heider

kent-mcleod commented 4 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Test results for commit 3fc344db772092b4f8435cdb6c5e02dfac9a7335


Test name Result
Code Quality - Check licenses - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 SUCCESSFUL
Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 FAILED

Detailed failure logs

Project Stage Result summary
Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 Style check on changed files 2 of 3 jobs failed

Job: gitlint Build logs

27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - gitlint #1 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-1) started building on agent A local agent 1
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    I run on the Bamboo server!
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Executing build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - gitlint #1 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-1)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR/. (location: .)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Artifact 'code' prepared in 26.55 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR/./code.tar.gz
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
27-Apr-2020 10:34:09    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
27-Apr-2020 10:34:09    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:09    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR
27-Apr-2020 10:34:09    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
27-Apr-2020 10:34:09    Starting task 'Lint commit messages' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:09    + cd seL4_libs
27-Apr-2020 10:34:09    + gitlint --commits 1f177036a60d8b473a9c3ffc3858a62e73c2e224..3fc344db772092b4f8435cdb6c5e02dfac9a7335 --config /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR/seL4_tools/misc/.gitlint
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    1: T1 Title exceeds max length (59>50): "debug: add helper functions to limit usage of magic numbers"
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Finished task 'Lint commit messages' with result: Failed
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Finalising the build...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Stopping timer.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Build CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-1 completed.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    All post build plugins have finished
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Generating build results summary...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Saving build results to disk...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Store variable context...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Indexing build results...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:13    Finished building CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-1.

Job: style Build logs

27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - style #1 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-1) started building on agent A local agent 1
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    I run on the Bamboo server!
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Executing build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - style #1 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-1)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/. (location: .)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Artifact 'code' prepared in 22.49 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/./code.tar.gz
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Starting task 'Check style of changed files' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    + cd seL4_libs
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    + xargs -d '\n' /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/seL4_tools/misc/
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    ++ git merge-base 3fc344db772092b4f8435cdb6c5e02dfac9a7335 1f177036a60d8b473a9c3ffc3858a62e73c2e224
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    + git diff --name-only 3fc344db772092b4f8435cdb6c5e02dfac9a7335 1f177036a60d8b473a9c3ffc3858a62e73c2e224
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Unchanged  libsel4debug/include/sel4debug/debug.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Formatted  libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Formatted  libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Formatted  libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Formatted  libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Formatted  libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
27-Apr-2020 10:34:04    Unchanged  libsel4vka/include/vka/vka.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + git diff --exit-code
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    diff --git a/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt b/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    index 0f50b9b8..835413ba 100644
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    --- a/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +++ b/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -20,7 +20,16 @@ list(SORT deps)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     add_library(sel4sync STATIC EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${deps})
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     target_include_directories(sel4sync PUBLIC include)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -target_link_libraries(sel4sync PUBLIC muslc sel4 sel4vka platsupport utils sel4_autoconf)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +target_link_libraries(
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    sel4sync
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    PUBLIC
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +        muslc
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +        sel4
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +        sel4vka
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +        platsupport
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +        utils
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +        sel4_autoconf
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     if(KernelDebugBuild)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         target_link_libraries(sel4sync PUBLIC sel4debug)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     endif()
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    diff --git a/libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h b/libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    index c7ad76a4..caaaa2f6 100644
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    --- a/libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +++ b/libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ typedef struct {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param notification  A notification object to use for the lock.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param value         The initial value for the semaphore. Must be 0 or 1.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_bin_sem_init(sync_bin_sem_t *sem, seL4_CPtr notification, int value) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_bin_sem_init(sync_bin_sem_t *sem, seL4_CPtr notification, int value)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_bin_sem_init was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ static inline int sync_bin_sem_init(sync_bin_sem_t *sem, seL4_CPtr notification,
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         /* Check the cap actually is a notification. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -    assert( debug_cap_is_notification(notification) );
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    assert(debug_cap_is_notification(notification));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #endif
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         sem->notification.cptr = notification;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ static inline int sync_bin_sem_init(sync_bin_sem_t *sem, seL4_CPtr notification,
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     /* Wait on a binary semaphore
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           An initialised semaphore to acquire.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_bin_sem_wait(sync_bin_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_bin_sem_wait(sync_bin_sem_t *sem)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_bin_sem_wait was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ static inline int sync_bin_sem_wait(sync_bin_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     /* Signal a binary semaphore
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           An initialised semaphore to release.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_bin_sem_post(sync_bin_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_bin_sem_post(sync_bin_sem_t *sem)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_bin_sem_post was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -81,7 +84,8 @@ static inline int sync_bin_sem_post(sync_bin_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           A semaphore object to initialise.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param value         The initial value for the semaphore. Must be 0 or 1.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_bin_sem_new(vka_t *vka, sync_bin_sem_t *sem, int value) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_bin_sem_new(vka_t *vka, sync_bin_sem_t *sem, int value)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_bin_sem_new was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -103,7 +107,8 @@ static inline int sync_bin_sem_new(vka_t *vka, sync_bin_sem_t *sem, int value) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param vka           A VKA instance used to deallocate the notification object.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           A semaphore object initialised by sync_bin_sem_new.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_bin_sem_destroy(vka_t *vka, sync_bin_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_bin_sem_destroy(vka_t *vka, sync_bin_sem_t *sem)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_bin_sem_destroy was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    diff --git a/libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h b/libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    index 67f32688..160fff27 100644
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    --- a/libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +++ b/libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static inline int sync_cv_init(sync_cv_t *cv, seL4_CPtr notification)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         /* Check the cap actually is a notification. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -    assert( debug_cap_is_notification(notification) );
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    assert(debug_cap_is_notification(notification));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #endif
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         cv->notification.cptr = notification;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    diff --git a/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h b/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    index e102fbcf..203a8a3e 100644
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    --- a/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +++ b/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ static inline int sync_sem_bare_wait(seL4_CPtr ep, volatile int *value)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         /* Check the cap actually is an EP. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -    assert( debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep) );
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    assert(debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #endif
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         assert(value != NULL);
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         int oldval;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ static inline int sync_sem_bare_post(seL4_CPtr ep, volatile int *value)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         /* Check the cap actually is an EP. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -    assert( debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep) );
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    assert(debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #endif
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         assert(value != NULL);
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         /* We can do an "unsafe" increment here because we know the lock cannot be
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    diff --git a/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h b/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    index 37ffed23..1b984351 100644
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    --- a/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +++ b/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -33,14 +33,15 @@ typedef struct {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param notification  An endpoint to use for the lock.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param value         An initial value for the semaphore.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_sem_init(sync_sem_t *sem, seL4_CPtr ep, int value) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_sem_init(sync_sem_t *sem, seL4_CPtr ep, int value)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_sem_init was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         /* Check the cap actually is an EP. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -    assert( debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep) );
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    assert(debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #endif
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         sem->ep.cptr = ep;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ static inline int sync_sem_init(sync_sem_t *sem, seL4_CPtr ep, int value) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     /* Wait on a semaphore
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           An initialised semaphore to acquire.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_sem_wait(sync_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_sem_wait(sync_sem_t *sem)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_sem_wait was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -63,7 +65,8 @@ static inline int sync_sem_wait(sync_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * i.e. check the semaphore value in a loop
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           An initialised semaphore to acquire.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_sem_trywait(sync_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_sem_trywait(sync_sem_t *sem)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_sem_trywait was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -74,7 +77,8 @@ static inline int sync_sem_trywait(sync_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     /* Signal a binary semaphore
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           An initialised semaphore to release.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_sem_post(sync_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_sem_post(sync_sem_t *sem)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_sem_post was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -87,7 +91,8 @@ static inline int sync_sem_post(sync_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           A semaphore object to initialise.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param value         An initial value for the semaphore.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_sem_new(vka_t *vka, sync_sem_t *sem, int value) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_sem_new(vka_t *vka, sync_sem_t *sem, int value)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_sem_new was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -105,7 +110,8 @@ static inline int sync_sem_new(vka_t *vka, sync_sem_t *sem, int value) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param vka           A VKA instance used to deallocate the endpoint.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @param sem           A semaphore object initialised by sync_sem_new.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05      * @return              0 on success, an error code on failure. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static inline int sync_sem_destroy(vka_t *vka, sync_sem_t *sem) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static inline int sync_sem_destroy(vka_t *vka, sync_sem_t *sem)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (sem == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Semaphore passed to sync_sem_destroy was NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    diff --git a/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c b/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    index 00183370..98623545 100644
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    --- a/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +++ b/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -21,18 +21,20 @@
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #include <sel4debug/debug.h>
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #endif
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -static void *thread_id(void) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -    return (void*)seL4_GetIPCBuffer();
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +static void *thread_id(void)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    return (void *)seL4_GetIPCBuffer();
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -int sync_recursive_mutex_init(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex, seL4_CPtr notification) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +int sync_recursive_mutex_init(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex, seL4_CPtr notification)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (mutex == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Mutex passed to sync_recursive_mutex_init is NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         /* Check the cap actually is a notification. */
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -    assert( debug_cap_is_notification(notification) );
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +    assert(debug_cap_is_notification(notification));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     #endif
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         mutex->notification.cptr = notification;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ int sync_recursive_mutex_init(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex, seL4_CPtr notificat
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         return 0;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -int sync_recursive_mutex_lock(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +int sync_recursive_mutex_lock(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (mutex == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Mutex passed to sync_recursive_mutex_lock is NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -68,7 +71,8 @@ int sync_recursive_mutex_lock(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         return 0;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -int sync_recursive_mutex_unlock(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +int sync_recursive_mutex_unlock(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (mutex == NULL) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             ZF_LOGE("Mutex passed to sync_recursive_mutex_lock is NULL");
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05             return -1;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -84,7 +88,8 @@ int sync_recursive_mutex_unlock(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         return 0;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -int sync_recursive_mutex_new(vka_t *vka, sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +int sync_recursive_mutex_new(vka_t *vka, sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         int error = vka_alloc_notification(vka, &(mutex->notification));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         if (error != 0) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    @@ -94,7 +99,8 @@ int sync_recursive_mutex_new(vka_t *vka, sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    -int sync_recursive_mutex_destroy(vka_t *vka, sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex) {
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +int sync_recursive_mutex_destroy(vka_t *vka, sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex)
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +{
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         vka_free_object(vka, &(mutex->notification));
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05         return 0;
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05     }
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    Finished task 'Check style of changed files' with result: Failed
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    Starting task 'Run astyle code insights' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + cd seL4_libs
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    ++ echo ssh://
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    ++ cut -d/ -f4
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + bb_proj=sel4
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/ astyle sel4 seL4_libs
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    ++ dirname /scripts/bb_code_insights/
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + SCRIPT_DIR=/scripts/bb_code_insights
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + BBS_URL=
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + BBS_PROJECT=sel4
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + BBS_REPO=seL4_libs
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + REPORT_TO_RUN=astyle
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    ++ git rev-parse HEAD
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + COMMIT_ID=3fc344db772092b4f8435cdb6c5e02dfac9a7335
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    +
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + set +x
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + report_file=astyle_report.json
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + annotations_file=astyle_annotations.json
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + rm -f astyle_report.json astyle_annotations.json
27-Apr-2020 10:34:05    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/astyle
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Reporting on these files:  ['libsel4debug/include/sel4debug/debug.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h', 'libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c', 'libsel4vka/include/vka/vka.h', 'CMakeLists.txt', 'libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt', 'libsel4vka/CMakeLists.txt']
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    + echo 'Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don'\''t see the access token'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don't see the access token
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    + set +x
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    + '[' -f astyle_report.json ']'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    + cat astyle_report.json
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    + '[' -f astyle_annotations.json ']'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    + cat astyle_annotations.json
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    {"data":[{"title":"Total number of files with incorrect style","value":6},{"title":"Total number of lines with incorrect style","value":25}],"createdDate":1587947648349,"key":"","title":"Code style"}{"title": "Code style", "data": [{"title": "Total number of files with incorrect style", "value": 6}, {"title": "Total number of lines with incorrect style", "value": 25}]}{"annotations": [{"path": "libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt", "line": 23, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h", "line": 36, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h", "line": 49, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h", "line": 60, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h", "line": 71, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h", "line": 84, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h", "line": 106, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h", "line": 44, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h", "line": 35, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h", "line": 86, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h", "line": 36, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h", "line": 43, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h", "line": 54, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h", "line": 66, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h", "line": 77, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h", "line": 90, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h", "line": 108, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 24, "message": "There are 2 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 28, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 35, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 47, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 71, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 87, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 97, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}]}
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Finished task 'Run astyle code insights' with result: Success
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Finalising the build...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Stopping timer.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Build CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-1 completed.
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    All post build plugins have finished
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Generating build results summary...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Saving build results to disk...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Store variable context...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Indexing build results...
27-Apr-2020 10:34:08    Finished building CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-1.

This is the most I can report on right now, sorry!

axel-h commented 3 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

Test results for commit 844177d6aa9a706c199d679e85898ce1bb6ff814


NOTE: some test results have been updated!

Test name Result
Code Quality - Check licenses - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 SUCCESSFUL
Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 FAILED

Detailed failure logs

Project Stage Result summary
Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 Style check on changed files 2 of 3 jobs failed

Job: gitlint Build logs

16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - gitlint #2 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-2) started building on agent A local agent 2
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    I run on the Bamboo server!
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Executing build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - gitlint #2 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-2)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR/. (location: .)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Artifact 'code' prepared in 25.04 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR/./code.tar.gz
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Starting task 'Lint commit messages' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + cd seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + '[' -f .gitlint ']'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + CONFIG=/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR/seL4_tools/misc/.gitlint
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + gitlint --commits dc74a3a31b023b2522b0f1da2906f9a1149236ce..844177d6aa9a706c199d679e85898ce1bb6ff814 --config /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR/seL4_tools/misc/.gitlint
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Commit d8bc123931:
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    1: T1 Title exceeds max length (53>50): "trivial: formatting to comply better with style rules"
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Finished task 'Lint commit messages' with result: Failed
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Finalising the build...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Stopping timer.
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Build CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-2 completed.
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    All post build plugins have finished
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Generating build results summary...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Saving build results to disk...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Store variable context...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Indexing build results...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:58    Finished building CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSGITLINTPR-2.

Job: style Build logs

16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - style #2 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-2) started building on agent A local agent 1
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    I run on the Bamboo server!
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Executing build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - style #2 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-2)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/. (location: .)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Artifact 'code' prepared in 25.75 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/./code.tar.gz
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Starting task 'Check style of changed files' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + cd seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + xargs -d '\n' /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/seL4_tools/misc/
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    ++ git merge-base 844177d6aa9a706c199d679e85898ce1bb6ff814 dc74a3a31b023b2522b0f1da2906f9a1149236ce
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    + git diff --name-only 844177d6aa9a706c199d679e85898ce1bb6ff814 a46a435a596ccb2cb0c559ed7976035b567a3ddb
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Unchanged  libsel4debug/include/sel4debug/debug.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Unchanged  libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Unchanged  libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Formatted  libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Unchanged  libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Formatted  libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 02:28:52    Unchanged  libsel4vka/include/vka/vka.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + git diff --exit-code
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    diff --git a/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt b/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    index 913556d2..44d3e775 100644
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    --- a/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +++ b/libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ list(SORT deps)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     add_library(sel4sync STATIC EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${deps})
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -target_include_directories(
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -    sel4sync
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -    PUBLIC
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -        include
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +target_include_directories(sel4sync PUBLIC include)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     target_link_libraries(
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53         sel4sync
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    @@ -39,9 +35,5 @@ target_link_libraries(
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     )
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     if(KernelDebugBuild)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -    target_link_libraries(
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -        sel4sync
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -        PUBLIC
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -            sel4debug
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -    )
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +    target_link_libraries(sel4sync PUBLIC sel4debug)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     endif()
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    diff --git a/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h b/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    index e102fbcf..203a8a3e 100644
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    --- a/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +++ b/libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ static inline int sync_sem_bare_wait(seL4_CPtr ep, volatile int *value)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     {
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53         /* Check the cap actually is an EP. */
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -    assert( debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep) );
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +    assert(debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep));
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     #endif
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53         assert(value != NULL);
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53         int oldval;
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ static inline int sync_sem_bare_post(seL4_CPtr ep, volatile int *value)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     {
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53         /* Check the cap actually is an EP. */
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -    assert( debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep) );
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +    assert(debug_cap_is_endpoint(ep));
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     #endif
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53         assert(value != NULL);
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53         /* We can do an "unsafe" increment here because we know the lock cannot be
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    diff --git a/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c b/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    index fb6dfe77..98623545 100644
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    --- a/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +++ b/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    @@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     #include <sel4debug/debug.h>
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     #endif
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -static void *thread_id(void) {
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    -    return (void*)seL4_GetIPCBuffer();
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +static void *thread_id(void)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +{
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +    return (void *)seL4_GetIPCBuffer();
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     }
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53     int sync_recursive_mutex_init(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex, seL4_CPtr notification)
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    Finished task 'Check style of changed files' with result: Failed
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    Starting task 'Run astyle code insights' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + cd seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    ++ echo ssh://
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    ++ cut -d/ -f4
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + bb_proj=sel4
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/ astyle sel4 seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    ++ dirname /scripts/bb_code_insights/
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + SCRIPT_DIR=/scripts/bb_code_insights
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + BBS_URL=
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + BBS_PROJECT=sel4
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + BBS_REPO=seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + REPORT_TO_RUN=astyle
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    ++ git rev-parse HEAD
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + COMMIT_ID=844177d6aa9a706c199d679e85898ce1bb6ff814
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    +
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + set +x
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + report_file=astyle_report.json
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + annotations_file=astyle_annotations.json
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + rm -f astyle_report.json astyle_annotations.json
16-Sep-2020 02:28:53    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/astyle
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Reporting on these files:  ['libsel4allocman/src/cspace/two_level.c', 'libsel4debug/include/sel4debug/debug.h', 'libsel4platsupport/src/irq.c', 'libsel4platsupport/src/timer.c', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h', 'libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c', 'libsel4vka/include/vka/vka.h', 'libsel4vspace/src/arch/arm/mapping.c', 'CMakeLists.txt', 'libsel4bench/CMakeLists.txt', 'libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt', 'libsel4vka/CMakeLists.txt']
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don't see the access token
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    + echo 'Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don'\''t see the access token'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    + set +x
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    + '[' -f astyle_report.json ']'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    + cat astyle_report.json
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    + '[' -f astyle_annotations.json ']'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    + cat astyle_annotations.json
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    {"data":[{"title":"Total number of files with incorrect style","value":3},{"title":"Total number of lines with incorrect style","value":14}],"createdDate":1600187336470,"key":"","title":"Code style"}{"title": "Code style", "data": [{"title": "Total number of files with incorrect style", "value": 3}, {"title": "Total number of lines with incorrect style", "value": 14}]}{"annotations": [{"path": "libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt", "line": 23, "message": "There are 5 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt", "line": 42, "message": "There are 5 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h", "line": 35, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h", "line": 86, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 24, "message": "There are 2 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}]}
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Finished task 'Run astyle code insights' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Finalising the build...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Stopping timer.
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Build CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-2 completed.
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    All post build plugins have finished
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Generating build results summary...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:56    Saving build results to disk...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:57    Store variable context...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:57    Indexing build results...
16-Sep-2020 02:28:57    Finished building CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-2.

This is the most I can report on right now, sorry!

axel-h commented 3 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

Test results for commit 8bdd3b1d212cffaa0174fb972b3f47bab5250fff


NOTE: some test results have been updated!

Test name Result
Code Quality - Check licenses - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 SUCCESSFUL
Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 FAILED

Detailed failure logs

Project Stage Result summary
Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 Style check on changed files 1 of 3 jobs failed

Job: style Build logs

16-Sep-2020 03:36:02    Build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - style #3 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-3) started building on agent A local agent 1
16-Sep-2020 03:36:02    I run on the Bamboo server!
16-Sep-2020 03:36:02    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
16-Sep-2020 03:36:02    Executing build Code Quality - Style - seL4_libs - EXT-axel-h-patch-axel1-19 - style #3 (CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-3)
16-Sep-2020 03:36:02    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/. (location: .)
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Artifact 'code' prepared in 39.06 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/./code.tar.gz
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Starting task 'Check style of changed files' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    + cd seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    + xargs -d '\n' /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR/seL4_tools/misc/
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    ++ git merge-base 8bdd3b1d212cffaa0174fb972b3f47bab5250fff dc74a3a31b023b2522b0f1da2906f9a1149236ce
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    + git diff --name-only 8bdd3b1d212cffaa0174fb972b3f47bab5250fff dc74a3a31b023b2522b0f1da2906f9a1149236ce
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Unchanged  libsel4debug/include/sel4debug/debug.h
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Unchanged  libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Unchanged  libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Unchanged  libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Unchanged  libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Formatted  libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 03:36:03    Unchanged  libsel4vka/include/vka/vka.h
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + git diff --exit-code
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    diff --git a/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c b/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    index 4bdb621e..98623545 100644
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    --- a/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    +++ b/libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04     
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04     static void *thread_id(void)
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04     {
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    -    return (void*)seL4_GetIPCBuffer();
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    +    return (void *)seL4_GetIPCBuffer();
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04     }
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04     
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04     int sync_recursive_mutex_init(sync_recursive_mutex_t *mutex, seL4_CPtr notification)
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    Finished task 'Check style of changed files' with result: Failed
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    Starting task 'Run astyle code insights' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + cd seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    ++ echo ssh://
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    ++ cut -d/ -f4
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + bb_proj=sel4
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/ astyle sel4 seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    ++ dirname /scripts/bb_code_insights/
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + SCRIPT_DIR=/scripts/bb_code_insights
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + BBS_URL=
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + BBS_PROJECT=sel4
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + BBS_REPO=seL4_libs
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + REPORT_TO_RUN=astyle
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    ++ git rev-parse HEAD
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + COMMIT_ID=8bdd3b1d212cffaa0174fb972b3f47bab5250fff
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    +
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + set +x
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + report_file=astyle_report.json
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + annotations_file=astyle_annotations.json
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + rm -f astyle_report.json astyle_annotations.json
16-Sep-2020 03:36:04    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/astyle
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Reporting on these files:  ['libsel4debug/include/sel4debug/debug.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/bin_sem.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/condition_var.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/sem-bare.h', 'libsel4sync/include/sync/sem.h', 'libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c', 'libsel4vka/include/vka/vka.h', 'CMakeLists.txt', 'libsel4sync/CMakeLists.txt', 'libsel4vka/CMakeLists.txt']
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    + echo 'Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don'\''t see the access token'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don't see the access token
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    + set +x
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    + '[' -f astyle_report.json ']'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    + cat astyle_report.json
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    + '[' -f astyle_annotations.json ']'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    + cat astyle_annotations.json
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    {"data":[{"title":"Total number of files with incorrect style","value":1},{"title":"Total number of lines with incorrect style","value":1}],"createdDate":1600191367426,"key":"","title":"Code style"}{"title": "Code style", "data": [{"title": "Total number of files with incorrect style", "value": 1}, {"title": "Total number of lines with incorrect style", "value": 1}]}{"annotations": [{"path": "libsel4sync/src/recursive_mutex.c", "line": 26, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}]}
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Finished task 'Run astyle code insights' with result: Success
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/140083221/CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Finalising the build...
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Stopping timer.
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Build CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-3 completed.
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    All post build plugins have finished
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Generating build results summary...
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Saving build results to disk...
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Store variable context...
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Indexing build results...
16-Sep-2020 03:36:07    Finished building CQ-SEL4LIBSSTYLE58-SEL4LIBSSTYLEPR-3.

This is the most I can report on right now, sorry!

axel-h commented 3 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

All the tests we ran have passed! Nice job!

oliver-wm commented 3 years ago

LGTM! Could you please rebase on master.

axel-h commented 3 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

All the tests we ran have passed! Nice job!

axel-h commented 3 years ago

@walle-whale I've rebased it

oliver-wm commented 3 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

oliver-wm commented 3 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 3 years ago

All the tests we ran have passed! Nice job!