seL4 / sel4runtime

A minimal runtime for seL4 applications.
11 stars 29 forks source link

Erognomic improvement for building platforms #4

Closed xurtis closed 4 years ago

xurtis commented 4 years ago

This extends the interface in a few ways to make it easier to build a platforms and libc implementations on top of seL4runtime.

xurtis commented 4 years ago

LGTM! Is it also possible to expose __sel4runtime_load_env as a public function for implementations that want to initialize the sel4runtime, but not directly handover controlflow to a main function followed by sel4runtime_exit?

Added commit to move it to the public includes.

xurtis commented 4 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Test results for commit e3253bbe72e22586a9482519d9ae4227baa6b644


Test name Result
Code Quality - Check licenses - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 SUCCESSFUL
Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 FAILED

Detailed failure logs

Project Stage Result summary
Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 Style check on changed files 1 of 3 jobs failed

Job: style Build logs

25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Build Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 - style #1 (CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-1) started building on agent A local agent 2
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    I run on the Bamboo server!
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Executing build Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 - style #1 (CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-1)
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/. (location: .)
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Artifact 'code' prepared in 23.71 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/./code.tar.gz
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    Starting task 'Check style of changed files' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    + cd sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    + xargs -d '\n' /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/seL4_tools/misc/
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    ++ git merge-base e3253bbe72e22586a9482519d9ae4227baa6b644 b07c83e8c4e972985a2f8450eebba25bcbdec7e8
25-Aug-2020 14:17:15    + git diff --name-only e3253bbe72e22586a9482519d9ae4227baa6b644 b07c83e8c4e972985a2f8450eebba25bcbdec7e8
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Unchanged  include/sel4runtime.h
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Formatted  include/sel4runtime/start.h
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Formatted  src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Formatted  src/env.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Formatted  src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Formatted  src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + git diff --exit-code
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    diff --git a/include/sel4runtime/start.h b/include/sel4runtime/start.h
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    index 09de148..e2629af 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    --- a/include/sel4runtime/start.h
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +++ b/include/sel4runtime/start.h
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ int main();
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     void __sel4runtime_start_main(
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         int (*main)(),
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         unsigned long argc,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         auxv_t const auxv[]
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     );
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void __sel4runtime_start_main(
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16      */
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     void __sel4runtime_load_env(
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         int argc,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         auxv_t const auxv[]
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     );
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    diff --git a/src/crt1.c b/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    index 786efc3..695bcf0 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    --- a/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +++ b/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    @@ -27,15 +27,16 @@
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16      * * an 'zero' auxiliary vector, then
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16      * * unspecified data.
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16      */
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -void __sel4_start_c(void const *stack) {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +void __sel4_start_c(void const *stack)
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +{
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         // First word on the stack is argument count.
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         unsigned long argc = *((unsigned long const *) stack);
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         // Second word on the stack is the start of the argument vector.
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *argv = &((char const * const *) stack)[1];
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *argv = &((char const * const *) stack)[1];
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         // The environment pointer vector follows after the argv.
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *envp = &argv[argc + 1];
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *envp = &argv[argc + 1];
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         int envc = 0;
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         while (envp[envc] != NULL) {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16             envc++;
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    diff --git a/src/env.c b/src/env.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    index 6ac91aa..0397f51 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    --- a/src/env.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +++ b/src/env.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    @@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ int __sel4runtime_write_tls_variable(
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     void __sel4runtime_load_env(
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         int argc,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         auxv_t const auxv[]
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     )
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    diff --git a/src/start.c b/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    index 3c4cc52..c8f4e52 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    --- a/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +++ b/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    @@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     void __sel4runtime_start_main(
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         int (*main)(),
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         unsigned long argc,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         auxv_t const auxv[]
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -) {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +)
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +{
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         __sel4runtime_load_env(argc, argv, envp, auxv);
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         sel4runtime_exit(main(argc, argv, envp));
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    diff --git a/src/start_root.c b/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    index 182a8ef..ea3dae7 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    --- a/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +++ b/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ long sel4_vsyscall(long sysnum, ...);
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16      * This is invoked by _sel4_start, which simply sets up a static stack
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16      * and passes the argument to us.
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16      */
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -void __sel4_start_root(seL4_BootInfo *boot_info) {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +void __sel4_start_root(seL4_BootInfo *boot_info)
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +{
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         uintptr_t tdata_start = (uintptr_t) &_tdata_start[0];
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         uintptr_t tdata_end = (uintptr_t) &_tdata_end[0];
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    @@ -81,12 +82,12 @@ void __sel4_start_root(seL4_BootInfo *boot_info) {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16             },
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         };
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const envp[] = {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const envp[] = {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16             "seL4=1",
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16             NULL,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         };
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    -    char const * const argv[] = {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +    char const *const argv[] = {
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16             "rootserver",
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16             NULL,
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16         };
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Finished task 'Check style of changed files' with result: Failed
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    Starting task 'Run astyle code insights' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + cd sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    ++ echo ssh://
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    ++ cut -d/ -f4
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + bb_proj=sel4proj
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/ astyle sel4proj sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    ++ dirname /scripts/bb_code_insights/
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + SCRIPT_DIR=/scripts/bb_code_insights
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + BBS_URL=
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + BBS_PROJECT=sel4proj
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + BBS_REPO=sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + REPORT_TO_RUN=astyle
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    ++ git rev-parse HEAD
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + COMMIT_ID=e3253bbe72e22586a9482519d9ae4227baa6b644
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    +
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + set +x
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + report_file=astyle_report.json
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + annotations_file=astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + rm -f astyle_report.json astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 14:17:16    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/astyle
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    Reporting on these files:  ['include/sel4runtime.h', 'include/sel4runtime/start.h', 'src/crt1.c', 'src/env.c', 'src/start.c', 'src/start.h', 'src/start_root.c']
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    + echo 'Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don'\''t see the access token'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don't see the access token
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    + set +x
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    + '[' -f astyle_report.json ']'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    + cat astyle_report.json
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    + '[' -f astyle_annotations.json ']'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    + cat astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 14:17:19    {"data":[{"title":"Total number of files with incorrect style","value":5},{"title":"Total number of lines with incorrect style","value":15}],"createdDate":1598329039475,"key":"","title":"Code style"}{"title": "Code style", "data": [{"title": "Total number of files with incorrect style", "value": 5}, {"title": "Total number of lines with incorrect style", "value": 15}]}{"annotations": [{"path": "include/sel4runtime/start.h", "line": 28, "message": "There are 2 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "include/sel4runtime/start.h", "line": 41, "message": "There are 2 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/crt1.c", "line": 30, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/crt1.c", "line": 35, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/crt1.c", "line": 38, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/env.c", "line": 260, "message": "There are 2 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start.c", "line": 19, "message": "There are 2 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start.c", "line": 22, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start_root.c", "line": 42, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start_root.c", "line": 84, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start_root.c", "line": 89, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}]}
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Finished task 'Run astyle code insights' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Finalising the build...
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Stopping timer.
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Build CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-1 completed.
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    All post build plugins have finished
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Generating build results summary...
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Saving build results to disk...
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Store variable context...
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Indexing build results...
25-Aug-2020 14:17:20    Finished building CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-1.

This is the most I can report on right now, sorry!

xurtis commented 4 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Test results for commit eea1102027d9a7c101391327f0e0c2eca2787057


NOTE: some test results have been updated!

Test name Result
Code Quality - Check licenses - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 SUCCESSFUL
Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 FAILED

Detailed failure logs

Project Stage Result summary
Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 Style check on changed files 1 of 3 jobs failed

Job: style Build logs

25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Build Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 - style #2 (CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-2) started building on agent A local agent 2
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    I run on the Bamboo server!
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Executing build Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 - style #2 (CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-2)
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/. (location: .)
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Artifact 'code' prepared in 19.44 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/./code.tar.gz
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Starting task 'Check style of changed files' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    + cd sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    ++ git merge-base eea1102027d9a7c101391327f0e0c2eca2787057 b07c83e8c4e972985a2f8450eebba25bcbdec7e8
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    + xargs -d '\n' /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/seL4_tools/misc/
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    + git diff --name-only eea1102027d9a7c101391327f0e0c2eca2787057 b07c83e8c4e972985a2f8450eebba25bcbdec7e8
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Unchanged  include/sel4runtime.h
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Unchanged  include/sel4runtime/start.h
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Formatted  src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Unchanged  src/env.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Formatted  src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:15    Formatted  src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + git diff --exit-code
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    diff --git a/src/crt1.c b/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    index 1897609..695bcf0 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    --- a/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +++ b/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16      * * an 'zero' auxiliary vector, then
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16      * * unspecified data.
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16      */
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    -void __sel4_start_c(void const *stack) {
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +void __sel4_start_c(void const *stack)
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +{
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         // First word on the stack is argument count.
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         unsigned long argc = *((unsigned long const *) stack);
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    diff --git a/src/start.c b/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    index 65be0af..c8f4e52 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    --- a/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +++ b/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ void __sel4runtime_start_main(
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         char const *const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         char const *const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         auxv_t const auxv[]
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    -) {
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +)
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +{
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         __sel4runtime_load_env(argc, argv, envp, auxv);
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         sel4runtime_exit(main(argc, argv, envp));
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    diff --git a/src/start_root.c b/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    index b82b5f3..ea3dae7 100644
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    --- a/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +++ b/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ long sel4_vsyscall(long sysnum, ...);
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16      * This is invoked by _sel4_start, which simply sets up a static stack
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16      * and passes the argument to us.
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16      */
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    -void __sel4_start_root(seL4_BootInfo *boot_info) {
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +void __sel4_start_root(seL4_BootInfo *boot_info)
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +{
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16     
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         uintptr_t tdata_start = (uintptr_t) &_tdata_start[0];
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16         uintptr_t tdata_end = (uintptr_t) &_tdata_end[0];
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    Finished task 'Check style of changed files' with result: Failed
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    Starting task 'Run astyle code insights' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + cd sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    ++ echo ssh://
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    ++ cut -d/ -f4
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + bb_proj=sel4proj
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/ astyle sel4proj sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    ++ dirname /scripts/bb_code_insights/
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + SCRIPT_DIR=/scripts/bb_code_insights
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + BBS_URL=
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + BBS_PROJECT=sel4proj
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + BBS_REPO=sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + REPORT_TO_RUN=astyle
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    ++ git rev-parse HEAD
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + COMMIT_ID=eea1102027d9a7c101391327f0e0c2eca2787057
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    +
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + set +x
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + report_file=astyle_report.json
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + annotations_file=astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + rm -f astyle_report.json astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 14:38:16    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/astyle
25-Aug-2020 14:38:18    Reporting on these files:  ['include/sel4runtime.h', 'include/sel4runtime/start.h', 'src/crt1.c', 'src/env.c', 'src/start.c', 'src/start.h', 'src/start_root.c']
25-Aug-2020 14:38:18    Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don't see the access token
25-Aug-2020 14:38:18    + echo 'Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don'\''t see the access token'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:18    + set +x
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    + '[' -f astyle_report.json ']'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    + cat astyle_report.json
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    + '[' -f astyle_annotations.json ']'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    + cat astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    {"data":[{"title":"Total number of files with incorrect style","value":3},{"title":"Total number of lines with incorrect style","value":3}],"createdDate":1598330299039,"key":"","title":"Code style"}{"title": "Code style", "data": [{"title": "Total number of files with incorrect style", "value": 3}, {"title": "Total number of lines with incorrect style", "value": 3}]}{"annotations": [{"path": "src/crt1.c", "line": 30, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start.c", "line": 22, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start_root.c", "line": 42, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}]}
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Finished task 'Run astyle code insights' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Finalising the build...
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Stopping timer.
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Build CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-2 completed.
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    All post build plugins have finished
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Generating build results summary...
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Saving build results to disk...
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Store variable context...
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Indexing build results...
25-Aug-2020 14:38:19    Finished building CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-2.

This is the most I can report on right now, sorry!

xurtis commented 4 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Test results for commit d20ddcf408600f8c85d9d53ef2d25c02e4cfc381


NOTE: some test results have been updated!

Test name Result
Code Quality - Check licenses - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 SUCCESSFUL
Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 FAILED

Detailed failure logs

Project Stage Result summary
Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 Style check on changed files 1 of 3 jobs failed

Job: style Build logs

25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Build Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 - style #3 (CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-3) started building on agent A local agent 2
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    I run on the Bamboo server!
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Executing build Code Quality - Style - sel4runtime - EXT-xurtis-platform-ergonomics-4 - style #3 (CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-3)
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Preparing artifact 'code' for use at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/. (location: .)
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Artifact 'code' prepared in 21.03 ms at /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/./code.tar.gz
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Starting task 'Untar code' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + tar xf code.tar.gz --recursive-unlink
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Finished task 'Untar code' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Starting task 'Check style of changed files' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + cd sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + xargs -d '\n' /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR/seL4_tools/misc/
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    ++ git merge-base d20ddcf408600f8c85d9d53ef2d25c02e4cfc381 b07c83e8c4e972985a2f8450eebba25bcbdec7e8
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + git diff --name-only d20ddcf408600f8c85d9d53ef2d25c02e4cfc381 b07c83e8c4e972985a2f8450eebba25bcbdec7e8
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Unchanged  include/sel4runtime.h
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Unchanged  include/sel4runtime/start.h
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Formatted  src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Unchanged  src/env.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Formatted  src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Formatted  src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + git diff --exit-code
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    diff --git a/src/crt1.c b/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    index 1897609..695bcf0 100644
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    --- a/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +++ b/src/crt1.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42      * * an 'zero' auxiliary vector, then
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42      * * unspecified data.
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42      */
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    -void __sel4_start_c(void const *stack) {
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +void __sel4_start_c(void const *stack)
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +{
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         // First word on the stack is argument count.
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         unsigned long argc = *((unsigned long const *) stack);
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42     
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    diff --git a/src/start.c b/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    index 65be0af..c8f4e52 100644
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    --- a/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +++ b/src/start.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ void __sel4runtime_start_main(
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         char const *const *argv,
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         char const *const *envp,
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         auxv_t const auxv[]
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    -) {
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +)
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +{
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         __sel4runtime_load_env(argc, argv, envp, auxv);
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42     
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         sel4runtime_exit(main(argc, argv, envp));
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    diff --git a/src/start_root.c b/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    index b82b5f3..ea3dae7 100644
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    --- a/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +++ b/src/start_root.c
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ long sel4_vsyscall(long sysnum, ...);
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42      * This is invoked by _sel4_start, which simply sets up a static stack
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42      * and passes the argument to us.
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42      */
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    -void __sel4_start_root(seL4_BootInfo *boot_info) {
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +void __sel4_start_root(seL4_BootInfo *boot_info)
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +{
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42     
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         uintptr_t tdata_start = (uintptr_t) &_tdata_start[0];
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42         uintptr_t tdata_end = (uintptr_t) &_tdata_end[0];
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Failing task since return code of [/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Finished task 'Check style of changed files' with result: Failed
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Starting task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + chmod -R o+rwx /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Finished task 'Set permissions so Bamboo can cleanup' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    Starting task 'Run astyle code insights' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + cd sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    ++ echo ssh://
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    ++ cut -d/ -f4
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + bb_proj=sel4proj
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/ astyle sel4proj sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    ++ dirname /scripts/bb_code_insights/
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + SCRIPT_DIR=/scripts/bb_code_insights
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + BBS_URL=
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + BBS_PROJECT=sel4proj
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + BBS_REPO=sel4runtime
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + REPORT_TO_RUN=astyle
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    ++ git rev-parse HEAD
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + COMMIT_ID=d20ddcf408600f8c85d9d53ef2d25c02e4cfc381
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    +
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + set +x
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + report_file=astyle_report.json
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + annotations_file=astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + rm -f astyle_report.json astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 15:13:42    + /scripts/bb_code_insights/astyle
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Reporting on these files:  ['include/sel4runtime.h', 'include/sel4runtime/start.h', 'src/crt1.c', 'src/env.c', 'src/start.c', 'src/start.h', 'src/start_root.c']
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don't see the access token
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    + echo 'Reporting the results to BitBucket, but doing so *secretly*, so people don'\''t see the access token'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    + set +x
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    + '[' -f astyle_report.json ']'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    + cat astyle_report.json
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    + '[' -f astyle_annotations.json ']'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    + cat astyle_annotations.json
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    {"data":[{"title":"Total number of files with incorrect style","value":3},{"title":"Total number of lines with incorrect style","value":3}],"createdDate":1598332425496,"key":"","title":"Code style"}{"title": "Code style", "data": [{"title": "Total number of files with incorrect style", "value": 3}, {"title": "Total number of lines with incorrect style", "value": 3}]}{"annotations": [{"path": "src/crt1.c", "line": 30, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start.c", "line": 22, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}, {"path": "src/start_root.c", "line": 42, "message": "There are 1 line(s) of incorrect style here.", "severity": "HIGH"}]}
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Finished task 'Run astyle code insights' with result: Success
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Successfully removed working directory at '/var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/151224373/CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Finalising the build...
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Stopping timer.
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Build CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-3 completed.
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    All post build plugins have finished
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Generating build results summary...
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Saving build results to disk...
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Store variable context...
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Indexing build results...
25-Aug-2020 15:13:45    Finished building CQ-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLE7-SEL4RUNTIMESTYLEPR-3.

This is the most I can report on right now, sorry!

xurtis commented 4 years ago

@ssrg-bamboo test

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm a bot! I'll bring this PR into Trustworthy Systems and run some tests

ssrg-bamboo commented 4 years ago

All the tests we ran have passed! Nice job!