seagirl / QLWaveForm

A QuickLook plugin that lets you view waveforms of audio files
Apache License 2.0
21 stars 3 forks source link

macOS 12.0+ #3

Open ZeroOneLabs opened 2 years ago

ZeroOneLabs commented 2 years ago


Will you be making an update for newer versions of macOS? I downloaded your code to learn from you and tried to run a Build, but I got a lot of errors saying some methods were deprecated. I'd like to learn more, but I don't know how to update methods like QLThumbnailRequestFlushContext and AudioUnitSampleType to versions that aren't deprecated by Apple.

Thank you very much for publishing your project!

LeeBinder commented 1 year ago

@seagirl are you all right? Hope you didn't drown