seahorce-scidac / REMORA

A GPU-enabled version of ROMS
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Is it possible to translate boundary condition from ROMS to REMORA? #212

Open geogalary opened 5 months ago

geogalary commented 5 months ago

Dear developers,

Good afternoon. I ran into a problem when i'm tring to use REMORA to run my model. But i can't found the same boundary condition option i used in ROMS, like the Cha, Cla, and Nud as below: ! Cha Chapman_implicit (free-surface) ! Che Chapman_explicit (free-surface) ! Cla Clamped ! Clo Closed ! Fla Flather (2D momentum)
! Gra Gradient ! Nes Nested (refinement) ! Nud Nudging ! Per Periodic ! Rad Radiation ! Red Reduced Physics (2D momentum) ! Shc Shchepetkin (2D momentum)

I'm wondering whether this can be developed by ourselves? To achive this, we should translate those fotran codes for boundary condition like ./ROMS/Tangent/tl_zetabc.F in ROMS to c++ in REMORA?

Thank you!

hklion commented 5 months ago

We currently have implemented the equivalents of periodic, clamped, and closed boundary conditions. I just updated the documentation for boundary conditions. Please reply here if anything is unclear. Other boundary conditions are currently planned. Out of curiosity, are there any conditions you're particularly interested in?

If you implement another boundary condition that you think would be helpful to the broader user base, we'd absolutely welcome a pull request. The logic for boundary conditions is handled in the files Source/BoundaryConditions/BoundaryConditions*.

hklion commented 1 week ago

We have greatly expanded our options for boundary conditions, now supporting the equivalents of the ROMS options

Problem specification input documentation can be found in these documentation pages: Inputs and Physical/Domain Boundary Conditions. Please reply here if you have any further questions or issues.