sealerio / sealer

Build, Share and Run Both Your Kubernetes Cluster and Distributed Applications (Project under CNCF)
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[proposal] Using Kyverno to support container runtime neutrally #1872

Open YTGhost opened 1 year ago

YTGhost commented 1 year ago

Issue Description


The Proposal(Using image proxy shim to support container runtime neutrally) was discussed at an interim community meeting on November 9, 2022. This proposal proposes to use cri shim to implement image proxy, so that we don't need to change the docker logic.

During the meeting we discussed what might be a more elegant approach than implementing a cri shim, thus trying to achieve the results we want in a shorter path.

The current community discussion has resulted in two scenarios:

  1. Sealer run/apply renders resources that meet certain specifications when submitting k8s resources

  2. Support via k8s webhook

This Proposal will investigate the case of support through k8s webhook


What is a Kubernetes Pod Policy

In fact, what we want to implement is a Kubernetes Pod Policy. It mean a set of mechanisms for ensuring validating and remediation controls over Pods and their attributes. Using this mechanism, we can redirect image pull requests when the Pod is created.

After researching the Kubernetes Pod Policy, there are three research targets as follows:

Pod Security Admission

With the upcoming deprecation and subsequent removal of Pod Security Policies (PSPs) in Kubernetes. Pod Security Admission is the new, albeit incomplete, successor. But it only checks Pods and does not support modifications to Pods, so it does not meet our needs.

Gatekeeper Introduction

Gatekeeper is an open-source project and collaboration between a number of companies including Google and Microsoft, later donated to the CNCF. Now in its third iteration, Gatekeeper is the Kubernetes-specific implementation of Open Policy Agent (OPA), a general-purpose policy engine. Because of the relationship between Open Policy Agent with Gatekeeper, the project is often written "OPA/Gatekeeper" to acknowledge these ties. Gatekeeper enables request validation and, most recently, mutation. A major defining characteristic of Open Policy Agent is its reliance upon the use of a specialized programming language called Rego in order to implement the logic necessary for policy decisions. Through Rego, OPA is designed to be broadly applicable to disparate software and not Kubernetes exclusively, as well as achieve a high level of logic execution.

Kyverno Introduction

Kyverno is an open-source project originally from Nirmata and later donated to the CNCF. Like Gatekeeper, Kyverno is a Kubernetes policy engine with validation and mutation abilities, however it adds resource generation in addition to, most recently, API object lookups. Unlike Gatekeeper, Kyverno was written from the start solely for use in Kubernetes. A major defining characteristic of Kyverno is its generation ability and the architecture which does not require specialized knowledge of a programming language to render policy decisions. Primarily as a reaction to this requirement of a specialized language, Kyverno differentiates itself from Gatekeeper through its model of simplicity.

Kyverno vs Gatekeeper

Features/Capabilities Gatekeeper Kyverno
Mutation ✓*
Generation X
Image Verification X (via extensions)
Image Registry lookups X (via extensions)
Extensions X
Policy as native resources
Metrics exposed
OpenAPI validation schema (kubectl explain) X**
High Availability
API object lookup
CLI with test ability ✓***
Policy audit ability
Self-service reports X

* Beta status

** Not available with all CRDs

*** Separate CLI


Gatekeeper Advantages

Gatekeeper Disadvantages

Kyverno Advantages

Kyverno Disadvantages

To summarize, if you need to use application policies across systems or if you need to implement highly complex policies, you can use Gatekeeper. Otherwise, Gatekeeper offers no benefit.

In our case, we only use it under kubernetes and need a simple strategy, so Kyverno is the best choice for us.

How Kyverno works

Admission Controllers


If you want to add a new Admission controller, you need to compile it with kube-apiserver and restart kube-apiserver, which is a tedious task.

Dynamic Admission Control

Two special admission controllers:

You can use the two admission controllers to configure some custom HTTP servers to provide webhooks and execute user-specific logic in these HTTP servers, thus extending the capabilities of the admission controller without recompiling kube-apiserver

Kyverno's Architecture


Type: feature request

Describe what feature you want

Additional context

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starnop commented 1 year ago

So far we've shown that it works by using Kyverno to support image policy, and there are two more issues that need to be addressed

  1. Verify whether the Kyverno supports k0s/k3s. @starComingup may come to take a look.
  2. Submit the proposal on how to implement image policy for sealer using Kyverno
YTGhost commented 1 year ago

@starComingup Regarding the supportability of kyverno for k0s/k3s, I verified that it works well. cc @Starnop

justadogistaken commented 1 year ago

@YTGhost Can I look Kyverno in this way? That is Kyverno can help us make it easy to manage k8s webhook?

YTGhost commented 1 year ago

@YTGhost Can I look Kyverno in this way? That is Kyverno can help us make it easy to manage k8s webhook?

@justadogistaken Yes, kyverno makes it easy to create webhooks dynamically by creating policies. The following is an example of a Policy that replaces image when creating or updating a Pod:

apiVersion :
kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: redirect-registry
  background: false
  - name: prepend-registry-containers
        - Pod
      - key: "{{request.operation}}"
        operator: In
        - CREATE
        - UPDATE
      - list: "request.object.spec.containers"
            - name: "{{ }}"
              image: "sea.hub:5000/{{ images.containers.{{}}.path}}:{{images.containers.{{}}.tag}}"