sealerio / sealer

Build, Share and Run Both Your Kubernetes Cluster and Distributed Applications (Project under CNCF)
Apache License 2.0
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RoadMap Proposal #2039

Open starnop opened 1 year ago

starnop commented 1 year ago


  1. Improve the basic capabilities of the Sealer Image a. Multi-architecture/hybrid architecture support b. Support for offline mode c. Easy-to-use image caching capabilities with no intrusion d. Optimize space utilization, distribution efficiency, etc. based on layered file system, truly use the caching capabilities of image instead of tar package
  2. Build a complete distributed application collaboration ecology centered on applications a. Continuously explore low complexity support for distributed applications based on k8s ⅰ. App rootfs specification ⅱ. Support more APP types, including helm chart, kube resource, OAM, CNStack cloud service, etc., extract APP type plug-in capabilities, allowing low-cost non-intrusive extension of APP types ⅲ. Support life cycle management such as deletion and upgrade, and operation and maintenance capabilities (TODO) b. Decouple the k8s layer and support existing kxs clusters ⅰ. Registry decoupling c. Provide better collaboration best practices and build the Sealer Image Repo project, which is similar to the Helm Repo and is maintained by the Sealer Image provider ⅰ. One-click support for Sealer APP Image production based on community helm chart ⅱ. Automatically build Sealer APP Image for open source components
  3. Build stable and easy-to-use cluster delivery capabilities based on clusters. a. One-click support for large-scale cluster installation/upgrade/deletion and other life cycle management, continuous performance improvement, success rate, etc. ⅰ. Including clusters b. Low-cost production of custom cluster images with basefs standard c. Support for managed existing clusters d. Plugin repo support // TODO e. Reduce kxs community support costs ⅰ. Offline community, do we have any hacks, transparency, low cost f. Establish SIG Cluster for k8s cluster image stability ⅰ. IAAS diagnostic capabilities, cluster pre-installation check tools


  1. 完善 Sealer Image 基础能力 a. 多架构/混合架构支持 b. 支持在离线模式 c. 镜像缓存能力易用,无侵入 d. 基于分层文件系统优化空间占用,分发效率等,真正使用 image 的缓存能力而不是 tar 包
  2. 以应用为中心,构建完善的分布式应用协作生态 a. 持续探索持低复杂度的支持基于 k8s 的分布式应用定义 ⅰ. app rootfs 规范 ⅱ. 支持更多 APP 类型,包含 helm chart,kube resource, OAM,CNStack 云服务等,抽取 APP 类型插件能力,允许低成本无侵入扩展 APP 类型 ⅲ. 支持删除,升级等生命周期管理,运维能力(TODO) b. 解耦 k8s 层,支持基于已有的 kxs 集群 ⅰ. registry 解耦 c. 提供更好的协作最佳实践,构建 Sealer Image Repo 项目,Image Repo 类似 Helm Repo,由 Sealer Image 提供者自行维护 ⅰ. 基于社区 helm chart 一键化支持 Sealer APP Image 制作 ⅱ. 开源组件自动构建 Sealer APP Image
  3. 以集群为基础,构建稳定易用的集群交付能力。 a. 一键支撑大规模集群安装/升级/删除等生命周期管理,持续提升性能,成功率等 ⅰ. 包含集群 b. 低成本制作自定义集群镜像能力,basefs 标准 c. 支持纳管限定的已有集群 d. plugin repo 支持 // TODO e. 降低 kxs 社区支持成本 ⅰ. offline 社区,我们自己有没有任何的 hack,透明度,低成本 f. 建设 k8s 集群镜像稳定性 SIG Cluster ⅰ. IAAS 诊断能力,集群预安装检查工具
kakaZhou719 commented 1 year ago

@Starnop , could we merge the final RoadMap to ?the current is out of date.