The sum of incoming signals gets too big causing an overflow. The node.sum was -160.064 when the overflow below occurred.
The values of the observations are (-inf, inf), probably need to squash them.
math range error
File "/home/seal/walker/neat/", line 43, in sigmoid
return 1 / (1 + exp(-4.9*self.sum)) # Coefficient from original NEAT src.
File "/home/seal/walker/neat/", line 21, in activate
self.output = self.sigmoid()
File "/home/seal/walker/neat/", line 45, in activate
File "/home/seal/walker/experiments/", line 23, in evaluate
action = network.activate(observation, stabilize=False)
File "/home/seal/walker/neat/", line 17, in run
fitness, done = self.environment.evaluate(genome)
File "/home/seal/walker/experiments/", line 33, in <module>
The sum of incoming signals gets too big causing an overflow. The node.sum was -160.064 when the overflow below occurred. The values of the observations are (-inf, inf), probably need to squash them.