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Generate all endpoints under the /acs/systems routes #299

Closed razor-x closed 2 weeks ago

razor-x commented 3 weeks ago

Here is an outline for what we want to generate `/

# List ACS Systems

GET /acs/systems/list ⇒ { acs_systems: [acs_system, …] }

Returns a list of all [access control systems](../../../capability-guides/

*Return Type: Array<[acs_system](../>*

{% tabs %}
// code sample
{% endtabs %}

## Request Parameters

### `connected_account_id`

*Type:* `string`  
*Required:* No

ID of the connected account by which to filter the list of returned access control systems.

razor-x commented 3 weeks ago

Note that at the moment, we only have one code sample per endpoint, however we plan to add multiple samples: one "simple" one that is always at the top, and then other cases that will appear on the page (location TBD). This is out of scope for now: just render all code samples with a loop at the top.

andrii-balitskyi commented 2 weeks ago

Implemented in