seamusabshere / data_miner

Download, unpack from a ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 archive, parse, correct, convert units and import Google Spreadsheets, XLS, ODS, XML, CSV, HTML, etc. into your ActiveRecord models. Uses RemoteTable gem internally.
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How would I enable created_at / updated_at? #18

Closed chrisle closed 12 years ago

chrisle commented 12 years ago

How do I re-enable created_at and updated_at? I wasn't able to find the right place in this Gem to write it myself. Can you point me in the right direction?

My use case:

I have a folder that receives CSV files from another application. I'm importing / upserting them to my Rails app using this Gem. I would created_at and updated_at to be populated so that I know when the record was first created and when it was updated by this Gem.

erithmetic commented 12 years ago

It looks like ActiveRecord will automatically fill in created_at and updated_at columns if the table has them. Using active_record-inline_schema, you can define:

class DataMine < ActiveRecord::Base
  col :foo
  col :bar
  col :created_at, :type => :datetime
  col :updated_at, :type => :datetime

  data_miner do
    import 'my data' do
seamusabshere commented 12 years ago

Here's where we are now. updated_at and created_at are ignored (as in they are treated like all other columns) by data_miner because we can't guarantee they would be accurate – records might be touched by a process step even if they weren't touched by an import step:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = 'foo'
  col :foo
  col :bar
  col :baz
  col :updated_at, :type => :datetime

  data_miner do
    import 'lots of stuff' do
      key :foo
      store :bar
      # here's where you might expect that :updated_at would be updated every time we insert or upsert

    process do
      # but we don't know what a user does inside of a process block...
      update_all :baz => 111

Option 1 - fake it

You could do this:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  # [...]
  RIGHT_NOW = lambda { }
  data_miner do
    import 'lots of stuff' do
      # [...]
      store :updated_at, :synthesize => RIGHT_NOW

But consider that this will force an update an every row, every time, even if no other column has changed.

Option 2 - new feature

Or we could do this:

import 'lots of stuff', :timestamp => true do

but implementing that correctly would be complicated - for every row, would we have to load the current data, compare it to the new data, and then only set updated_at if there's a difference?

So @chrisle what are you thinking?

chrisle commented 12 years ago

Thanks for replying back to me, as well as open sourcing a really useful gem.

The particular expectation of updating created_at and updated_at is only one part of a longer gotcha: ActiveRecord isn't used when inserting records. As a result, I lost a lot of ActiveRecord's functionality.


(This isn't the code I used in my app the ideas are exactly the same.)

# app/model/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  self.primary_key = :id

  col :id,            :type => :integer
  col :name
  col :created_at,    :type => :datetime
  col :updated_at,    :type => :datetime

  validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message => "That user name was already taken."

  data_miner do
    import 'stuff' do
      key     :id
      store   :user_name


# app/model/user_observer.rb
class UserObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
  def after_create(record)
    email_admin("A new user #{} was created!")

What's happening?

These tests will probably fail if you ran them.

# spec/model/user_spec.rb 
require 'spec_helper'

describe User do

  # Gotcha #1: validations don't validate as expected
  it 'should not allow me to create the same user twice' do
    User.create!(:name => 'Chris Le')
    lambda { User.create!(:name => 'Chris Le') }.should raise_exception

  # Gotcha #2: created_at / updated_at won't populate as expected
  it 'should populate created_at and updated_at' do 
    new_user = User.create!(:name => 'Chris Le')
    new_user.created_at.should be_a(DateTime)
    new_user.updated_at.should be_a(DateTime)

  # Gotcha #3: Observers won't fire as expected
  it 'should have fired UserObserver#after_create' do
    User.create!(:name => 'Chris Le')


While that's not the code I'm using but all three happened to me. The reason is because data_miner uses upsert to handle the inserts into the database if the table has an auto_incrementing key or you're storing the primary_key. Import.rb line 88

So, my current solution is a monkey patch.

class DataMiner

  # Monkey patch data_miner force the use of ActiveRecord instead of Upsert
  class Step
    class Import < Step
      alias_method :__start__, :start
      def start

        # Removed code for upserting here.

        table.each do |row|
          record = model.send "find_or_initialize_by_#{@key}", attributes[@key].read(row)
          attributes.each { |_, attr| attr.set_from_row record, row }
!  # The bang will force an exception to be raised if errors occur


# Monkey patch Upsert gem to throw an exception if anything tries to use Upsert
# See lib/monkey_patches/data_miner_patch.rb

class Upsert
  alias_method :__row__, :row

  def row(selector, document = {})
    Rails.logger.warn "Upsert was called! Selector: #{selector.inspect}, document: #{document.inspect}"
    raise "Upsert needs to be avoided!"


This wasn't the most elegant solution. It does work. Data_miner is now forced to use ActiveRecord to handle writing to the database. The solution is a slower and adds a monkey patch but the benefits me because I can use both ActiveRecord and data_miner's DSL.

Would be nice if ....

It would be nice to add a toggle for this, but I wasn't sure that my use case was common enough and that my monkey patch didn't break something in the data_miner gem. I'm still testing.

seamusabshere commented 12 years ago

hi @chrisle I think setting :validate => true will do the trick...