seamusdemora / PiFormulae

A collection of "How-To" guides or "Recipes" for the Raspberry Pi
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Raspberry Pi setup has changed #9

Open seamusdemora opened 2 years ago

seamusdemora commented 2 years ago

In "An update to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye", significant changes were announced to the long-standing setup and configuration instructions. The change was immediately effective; in fact, the announcement appeared to have trailed the actual change: effective date 4/4/2022, announcement date 4/7/2022 :/

The announcement is silent on the multiple repercussions of this change. Repercussions associated with eliminating a default user whose group memberships to gpio & bluetooth (for example) for user pi were already set up to make things easier for inexperienced users. Yes - the same users the RPi Organization claims to support. Apparently, the powers that be in the RPi Organization woke up in a new world recently, and decided that this significant overhaul was necessary to improve security. It's unclear how this actually improves security, but it is clear that the change will require numerous "adjustments" to make the RPi functional for some users. But perhaps the thinking goes like this: "A secure computer is a computer not used - sitting un-powered in a drawer".

Anyway... on with the show. This issue has been initiated as it will have effect on many of the "recipes" here, but principally on the ReadMeFirst file which details the setup of a headless RPi using the Lite distribution.