Atom: 1.19.0 x64
Electron: 1.6.9
OS: Mac OS X 10.12.6
Thrown From: atom-browser package 0.51.0
Stack Trace
Uncaught Error: Cannot call canGoBack because the webContents is unavailable. The WebView must be attached to the DOM and the dom-ready event emitted before this method can be called.
At /Applications/
Error: Cannot call canGoBack because the webContents is unavailable. The WebView must be attached to the DOM and the dom-ready event emitted before this method can be called.
at HTMLElement.canGoBack (/Applications/
at Object.back (/packages/atom-browser/lib/atom-browser.js:108:33)
at /packages/atom-browser/lib/atom-browser.js:66:68)
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
Atom: 1.19.0 x64 Electron: 1.6.9 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.6 Thrown From: atom-browser package 0.51.0
Stack Trace
Uncaught Error: Cannot call canGoBack because the webContents is unavailable. The WebView must be attached to the DOM and the dom-ready event emitted before this method can be called.
Non-Core Packages