seananderson / glmmfields

R package for Bayesian spatial and spatiotemporal GLMMs with possible extremes
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Fully delegate installation to rstantools #15

Closed andrjohns closed 1 year ago

andrjohns commented 1 year ago

This PR updates your package to fully delegate the installation/compilation of stan models to rstantools.

There were also several test/check errors due to a missing offset argument to the predict function, so I've also added default zero values to those calls so that the checks & tests pass

seananderson commented 1 year ago

Thanks @andrjohns! I'll get a version off to CRAN shortly.

bgoodri commented 1 year ago

We need this merged PR to be released to CRAN in order to release the StanHeaders that has been years in the making but is still years behind the current Stan development branch. Please do so this week.

seananderson commented 1 year ago

Apologies. It was auto-rejected because of the note:

 * checking C++ specification ... NOTE
 Specified C++14: please drop specification unless essential

which I believe gets generated in the Makevars files by rstantools and I dropped the ball asking CRAN to consider this a false positive. I have replied to CRAN and will stay on top of this.

andrjohns commented 1 year ago

An updated version of rstantools was released today which should resolve that issue for you

seananderson commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I updated to the latest rstantools and sent to CRAN. I just got the "on its way to CRAN" reply now.