seananderson / sdmTMB-paper

Paper describing the sdmTMB R package
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seananderson commented 2 years ago

Geostatistical modelling GMRF approaches History of spatial modelling in ecology

ericward-noaa commented 2 years ago

Geostatistical modelling @book{cressie2015statistics, title={Statistics for spatio-temporal data}, author={Cressie, Noel and Wikle, Christopher K}, year={2015}, publisher={John Wiley \& Sons} }

@article{diggle1998model, title={Model-based geostatistics}, author={Diggle, Peter J and Tawn, Jonathan A and Moyeed, Rana A}, journal={Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)}, volume={47}, number={3}, pages={299--350}, year={1998}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }

GMRF: maybe one citation to include is the Rue & Held (2005) book on these, @book{rue2005gaussian, title={Gaussian Markov random fields: theory and applications}, author={Rue, Havard and Held, Leonhard}, year={2005}, publisher={CRC press} }

History of spatial modelling in ecology (we may be missing some classic refs from landscape ecology / remote sensing):

@book{tilman1997spatial, title={Spatial ecology: the role of space in population dynamics and interspecific interactions}, author={Tilman, David and Kareiva, Peter M and others}, year={1997}, publisher={Princeton University Press} }

@article{rossi1992geostatistical, title={Geostatistical tools for modeling and interpreting ecological spatial dependence}, author={Rossi, Richard E and Mulla, David J and Journel, Andre G and Franz, Eldon H}, journal={Ecological monographs}, volume={62}, number={2}, pages={277--314}, year={1992}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }