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Search not finding the book I am looking for. Fixed using quotes #10

Closed L0garithmic closed 3 years ago

L0garithmic commented 3 years ago

Be Obsessed or Be Average - Grant Cardone. Will not come up in the search. However, I used quotes "" and it worked ok. Idk exactly why that worked, but is it possible to add a strict search option that uses the quotes. Just an idea.

L0garithmic commented 3 years ago

To deal with this issue, I changed line 23 to this [SearchBy]=%artist% $regexp("%album%,'[- ]+cd ?\d+$',,1)"

Adding in the "'s

L0garithmic commented 3 years ago

I still don't get what the search is doing. Manual testing of the link, works fine The first result is almost always exactly what I want.

but for some reason the exact same keywords ran through the search source, gives no results. Gino Wickman Traction even with quotes.

seanap commented 3 years ago

That is a really great change, I'm not sure why the Audible search works differently from this script vs the website, but the quotes certainly do help. Would you mind testing this out for a little bit to see if it overall works out better?

I would like to implement this change, but the only thing holding me back is the variety of the source tags. If all my audiobooks had metadata that had the correct album (only) and author (correct) I think this would be fantastic. That said some books have close but incorrect album tags, or album tags that contain other data like narrator, series, or something else. If we change to include quotes, I would feel that the amount of books that had incorrect tags would not match as often?

There are certainly books where adding quotes will help, some odd cases like this where even with quotes there are no matches, but there are also odd tags that when put in quotes may not match when they would give results without quotes. I think this may come down to the quality of your source material, if the album/author tags are mostly correct then I say add the quotes, but if the album/author tags vary wildly (my experience) no quotes may be better.

L0garithmic commented 3 years ago

did not work like it should. I can not get Gino Wickman Traction to come up, literally no matter what I do... but the quotes help for a LOT of books. Somehow the search parsing is doing something wrong with the search itself. I have made a bunch of tweaks and edits and its still not working. I am going to ask my brother to look at it, hes a regex wizard.

seanap commented 3 years ago

When this script cannot find results I search and copy/paste the ASIN from the url into the search box on mp3tag and it finds it with no issues. I would love a more elegant solution.

L0garithmic commented 3 years ago

Me and my brother are looking into it. It seems that MP3Tag's parser is omitting the first result. On any search. Somehow. Eg, searching for Rocket Fuel, finds "Jacob Schmelzer" but not "Gino Wickman" which is #1..

L0garithmic commented 3 years ago

My brother is a fricken wizard, totally fixed the search. It's flawless now. Sending a pull request.

L0garithmic commented 3 years ago