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Mp3tag Web Sources Scripts
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Set Title=Album #13

Closed romanoh closed 4 years ago

romanoh commented 4 years ago

A proposed improvement, as in my experience some files don't have title only filename, its not very useful to me as i use also actions to improve the file (i still use it in my script, no harm), but it may be useful for someone that not use actions. But its your call.

seanap commented 4 years ago

I've thought a lot about including this, the only thing keeping me from including this is the rare time the chapter information is actually included. I wouldn't want this to over ride the chapters with something generic. If this only set Title=Album if there was nothing set in the Title or Album tag then I'm all for it.

romanoh commented 4 years ago

Yep sometimes it as chapters names. Its rare but hapens. Close it please

seanap commented 4 years ago

What about something like this added toward the end:

IfnotOutput "Title"
    outputto "Title"
    sayoutput "ALBUM"
    say " ("
    sayoutput "Year"
    say ") - pt"
    sayoutput "track"
romanoh commented 4 years ago

I Will try it, and give Feedback soon. But still if it has chpters names they will be gone. I Will think a bit more.

romanoh commented 4 years ago

I have search and i think its not possible to mp3tag to now that a tag is empty. So its a matter of opinion. Also don't now why the track part don't work. The cons are just more than the pros, so i leave it. In the future if we can find a way to see if the tag was empty that would be great.

seanap commented 4 years ago

I could not get it to work either, I was seeing the same thing. Thanks for checking it out.

While I agree that this could be a nice improvement, if there is no Title tag I just click the filename-tag button after I scraped the tags and ran the action script.