seanap /

Mp3tag Web Sources Scripts
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Audible not populating fields #17

Closed lucdg closed 3 years ago

lucdg commented 3 years ago

I just started using the script and it was working for about 10 books then stopped working. My issue looks similar #8, though no ASIN Error is shown. I can search and select the correct book, but no information is populated on the next window in the tag fields. I found the script error log which contains "ERROR(L316): parameter 1 is not a string". Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?



romanoh commented 3 years ago

What book did you search?

lucdg commented 3 years ago

Sorry should have been clearer. It doesnt matter what book I search, I get the same result. Even books that had previously worked.

romanoh commented 3 years ago

Can you remove this # in this line #Debug "ON" "C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\mp3tagdebug.txt"

and put here the file?

seanap commented 3 years ago

Have you made any changes to the .src script? The script is working for me, so audible didn't change anything. Try downloading the .src script again and replace the one in your appdata folder, maybe something got messed up in your copy?

Also make sure your Mp3tag is updated to the latest version.

lucdg commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I followed the Plex audiobook guide and used that repo as the source for all the files. I just tried replacing the both .src files with the same result. I had only been using the search by filename script and just realised the search by album script works. That solves my problem but should the filename script worked? I have attached the debug as requested. Thanks for your help.

I have attached

seanap commented 3 years ago

Good find, thank you! I have debugged the Search by Filename script and it's working now. I've updated the Plex-Audiobook-Guide repo and I am including the updated file below. by