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Mp3tag Web Sources Scripts
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Search Does not find any thing #22

Closed JustinFourie closed 2 years ago

JustinFourie commented 2 years ago

HI , I can not get this to work no matter what book or what search term I use nothing works for multiple books . Could you please help me with this. Some of the examples are listed below the book I am testing this on is Delphi Challenge: Delphi in Space, Book 9

Search Terms Tested and return a message saying no entries found.

fakedname commented 2 years ago

Audible is currently having an outage or something. Try again later?

JustinFourie commented 2 years ago

Audible is currently having an outage or something. Try again later?

I tried two days ago with the same result , so dont think its that . Also how do you know they having issues ?

fakedname commented 2 years ago

The banner on their website.

JustinFourie commented 2 years ago

The banner on their website.

Thanks did not see that last night when I tested it , this is about the 10th time I have tried to get this to work . Over the last couple of days so not sure what I am doing worng

fakedname commented 2 years ago

Might not be you. I tried your book and another one I did a few day ago. I guess we’ll wait till Seanap can check it out.

seanap commented 2 years ago

@JustinFourie That book works for me, all of those search terms you listed return results. What version of mp3tag are you using? Update to the latest version if you haven't.



JustinFourie commented 2 years ago

Hi I am using 3.11 the latest version . I am based in AUS could the plugin be going to the wrong website the .au one may be and thats the issue ?

seanap commented 2 years ago

The plug-in should automatically redirect you to the .com site. Are you able to go to this website in your browser?

JustinFourie commented 2 years ago

Yes I am and it shows me all the books

JustinFourie commented 2 years ago

Hi so it is the .au thing . I dont think the plugin works with the AU website . I put this in the hosts file( in windows) to force me to the US site and it worked

seanap commented 2 years ago

Oh that's very odd that you could click that link and it works in the browser but not in via the script. Maybe it's your ISP overriding the base country override?

I'm glad you got it figured out!

seanap commented 2 years ago

I don't know if there is any difference between .com and on Audible. Sometimes the actual html source code is slightly different (which can break the scraper), and sometimes the catalog of books are different between regions.

If you want to use this script for the site I added a new .src script

I've only tested this on two books so consider it beta, but it did find all the metadata for them.

JustinFourie commented 2 years ago

etimes the actual html source code is slightly different (which can break the scraper), and sometimes the catalog of books are different between regio

Thanks so much will give it a try