seanap / auto-m4b

Docker container that watches a folder for multi-file mp3 books and converts them to a chapterized m4b.
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Issue with PGID since last patch #49

Open kcross88 opened 4 months ago

kcross88 commented 4 months ago


Since I've updated the container, I've been having some issues around the GID. I see in the logs: adduser: The GID 1000 does not exist.

If I try to manually add another user replicating the command in, I get the same error around GID 1000: adduser --uid 1001 autom4b2 --gid 1000 adduser: The GID 1000 does not exist.

Looking at the revision #43 - I think the GID needs to be created before the adduser command. If I create the group first with groupadd autom4b --gid 1000, I'm able to run it without issue.

Appreciate your help looking into this!

Thanks, KC

sebguilbaud commented 3 months ago

quick and dirty solution :

docker exec -it auto-m4b bash -c "echo nogroup:x:1000: >> /etc/group"


adamtiley commented 3 months ago

quick and dirty solution :

docker exec -it auto-m4b bash -c "echo nogroup:x:1000: >> /etc/group"


Worked perfectly, thanks!

ScoobyDoo27 commented 1 month ago

I'm getting this same error using docker compose on my Synology. Do I fix it the same way?

nachobel commented 1 month ago

quick and dirty solution :

docker exec -it auto-m4b bash -c "echo nogroup:x:1000: >> /etc/group"


This gets rid of the error, but it creates files with user 1000 and group "nogroup". Is there a way to use group 1000 as well?

e: I entered the container docker exec -u 0 -it auto-m4b /bin/bash and then ran groupadd -o autom4b --gid 1000, then chown -R autom4b:autom4b temp CONFIG (I set a config file for logs), and now everything looks good so far. Will report back if there's additional problems.

e2: that did not hold for newly converted items. They still have a 'nogroup' group when the completed m4bs end up in the untagged folder.

e3: modifited the run file to create the group before the user and it's working great now. Submitted a PR.