seanbreckenridge / HPI

Human Programming Interface - a way to unify, access and interact with all of my personal data [my modules]
MIT License
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merge into HPI? #17

Open boehs opened 2 years ago

boehs commented 2 years ago

I see many are custom coded, why are they a part of their own repo and not submitted into the base HPI?

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

This is purposefully not merged into HPI -- for some context you can look at DESIGN and MODULE_DESIGN docs

In essence, HPI is meant to act as sort of a configuration layer with lots of helpers for loading your data, but it isn't feasible to support every use case since new sites that have your data appear all the time, and everyone uses different sites.

This isn't a fork (anymore, it was at one point), its just additional modules that I maintain -- since this is a namespace package (see here) you can install both of these at the same time -- see instructions

Merging all these modules into @karlicoss 's HPI would mean that he would have to support/help maintain all these additional sources which are mostly handled/used by me, while I'm happy to do so here. It also prevents HPI from having way too many modules and becoming unmaintainable, while at the same time people are still able to easily extend and add their own modules

Is still a point of discussion as far as HPI goes, see here

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

Am fine to keep this issue open, I can see people getting confused about this pretty easily