seanbreckenridge / HPI

Human Programming Interface - a way to unify, access and interact with all of my personal data [my modules]
MIT License
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modularize my.location and remove tz.time.via_location #19

Closed seanbreckenridge closed 2 years ago

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

Can put the individual sources for location behind import_source blocks, so that people can use one of the location sources here without having to mess with the files to prevent certain imports

Then, use that location.all in tz.time.via_location -- can remove the file from here (since its currently overriden due to editable rules), and PR the location.all to the main repo

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

related issue

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

modularized ip some

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

Should be solved by