seanbreckenridge / HPI

Human Programming Interface - a way to unify, access and interact with all of my personal data [my modules]
MIT License
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add module for flight data/history #36

Closed seanbreckenridge closed 1 year ago

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

copied from location issue:

Another thing I've been thinking about for fallbacks (other than just location.home) is tracking flights?

Haven't looked into how to do that/if its possible, but is something I wanted to look into (maybe hooking into some API which has flight data?)

My locations only go back to about 2015, but if I can use old passports to figure out flights or something, it could go back to something like 2000

notes from:

Some other things to consider as well:

seanbreckenridge commented 2 years ago

may want to create a separate project which using autotui which is a diary of sorts letting you add/remove stuff

then connect it to here and extract data from some API to provide location data

seanbreckenridge commented 1 year ago

will create a separate issue if I ever do this, though location history going forward is sort of enough, and could just make a nicer prompt/interface for adding stuff to my file for past flights