seandavi / GEOquery

The bridge between the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus and Bioconductor
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error in GEOquery #97

Closed ezgicn closed 4 years ago

ezgicn commented 4 years ago

if (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE)) install.packages('BiocManager') BiocManager::install('GEOquery') library(GEOquery)

I wrote these codes above on the script but I had these answers below: (I use R3.6.2)

library(GEOquery) Error in library(GEOquery) : there is no package called ‘GEOquery’

seandavi commented 4 years ago

It looks like GEOquery did not install correctly. Are you working on Linux? Can you try re-installing and post the entire install output?

ezgicn commented 4 years ago

I use Windows10 :)

ezgicn commented 4 years ago

Now, I tried re-installing after cleaning global environment and console codes that I studied on and it was installed, thanks

seandavi commented 4 years ago

Fantastic. Let me know if you have more problems.