Closed seanhess closed 4 months ago
Here is a full example using the new syntax:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Simple where
import Data.Text (pack)
import Effectful
import Web.Hyperbole
main = do
run 3000 $ do
liveApp (basicDocument "Example") (page simplePage)
simplePage :: (Hyperbole :> es, IOE :> es) => Page es '[MainView, Status]
simplePage = do
handle main' $ handle status $ load $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "MAIN LOAD"
pure $ col (pad 20) $ do
el bold "My Page"
hyper MainView $ do
row (gap 10) $ do
button GoBegin (border 1) "Start"
-- MAIN ----------------------------------------
data MainView = MainView
deriving (Show, Read, ViewId)
data MainAction
= GoBegin
| GoMid
| GoEnd
deriving (Show, Read, ViewAction)
instance HyperView MainView where
type Action MainView = MainAction
type Children MainView = '[Status]
main' :: MainView -> MainAction -> Eff es (View MainView ())
main' _ = \case
GoBegin -> pure beginStep
GoMid -> pure middleStep
GoEnd -> pure endStep
beginStep :: View MainView ()
beginStep = do
el_ "BEGIN"
button GoMid (border 1) " Mid"
middleStep :: View MainView ()
middleStep = do
el_ "MIDDLE: running"
button GoBegin (border 1) "Back"
hyper Status $ statusView 0
endStep :: View MainView ()
endStep = do
el_ "END"
button GoMid (border 1) "Back"
-- Status ---------------------------------------
data Status = Status
deriving (Show, Read, ViewId)
data CheckStatus
= CheckStatus Int
deriving (Show, Read, ViewAction)
instance HyperView Status where
type Action Status = CheckStatus
type Children Status = '[]
status :: Status -> CheckStatus -> Eff es (View Status ())
status _ = \case
CheckStatus n ->
if n >= 5
then pure lazyEnd
else pure $ statusView (n + 1)
statusView :: Int -> View Status ()
statusView n = do
onLoad (CheckStatus n) 1000 $ do
el_ $ text $ "Checking Status" <> pack (show n)
lazyEnd :: View Status ()
lazyEnd = do
el_ "Lazy End"
hyper MainView $ do
button GoEnd (border 1) "Go End"
Overall I really like the idea, even though I find the new pattern a tiny bit less ergonomic:
page :: forall es . (Hyperbole :> es, Users :> es, Debug :> es) => Page es [Contacts, Contact]
page =
handle contacts . handle contact . load $ do
us <- usersAll
pure $ do
col (pad 10 . gap 10) $ do
The benefit of having the page not compile unless everything has been handled outweighs this small cost, though.
Overall I really like the idea, even though I find the new pattern a tiny bit less ergonomic:
Yeah, I'm a little grumpy about it too. A monadic interface isn't possible (without threading return values or using the bind operator). So we're stuck with function chaining or operators. I haven't finished experimenting with operators, but I haven't found a better pattern yet. Any other ideas?
I'm also sad how fourmolu formats the chain when split across multiple lines.
handle contacts
$ handle contact
$ load
$ do
I've spent days trying to slightly improve the interface and can't come up with anything better. I'll merge this, but if we can come up with a better option before releasing the next version, let's do it.
On smaller pages, it's easy to remember to add
handle myview
to the top of the page. But on complicated pages, which may re-use other views, it's easy to get mixed up and forget.This PR uses type-level lists to require a Page to handle all the views used, and any of their descendents.
Here is the old monadic interface and type signature:
This PR requires us to specify which views we support in the page.
If we forget to add
to the type ofPage
we get this error:If we do add the type to Page, but forget to add
handle message $ ...
HyperViews may also specify which children views they support with the new
associated type:If we try to embed another hyperview but forget to add it to the the Children type, we get this error:
The compiler also checks that all descendents of a view are handled in the page.
Any feedback? There are a few things to improve, but it seems like a step forward